Junior Member
So the question is why after two decades has China not brought it's own Flankers up to Russian or Western standard ? Where has all that money and investment gone ?
The answer would be that china's fighter program has come a long ways where it was 15 years ago----. The leaps and bounds it has taken are phenominal but then so has the adversary's fighter program as well.
The reason it wants to buy the SU35 is to fill in the hole at the top tier. You all know what is happening in south china seas.
If you don't understand the importance---here is some information---in 2012 Pakistan went to china to get some aid----the chinese told the paks / Zardari and co---go scr-ew yourself---we ain't giving you nothing---we give and you loot and plunder it.
Fast forward 2014/15-----a 46 billion dollars investment in 10 + years----the roadwork and railroad work from Gwadar port to up country at an extremely fast pace.
A force of upwards of 20000 troops in process of being trained for the port and surrounding areas----. Land close to 5000 acres already given to chinese for an airport development++++.
Seemingly---for china---the threat level has increased to where it is getting very uncomfortable.
So---the SU35's are not for a lack of---but are in addition to---.
My apologies for off topic---if it is.