Thanks for sharing your opinion about my web site.
I am glad I finally have the chance here to share some of my own.
Keep in mind my site was first up in 1995, that was 20 years ago! Try to image how many times in the past 20 years I had to edit the text for every type of missile and aircraft.
You probably have realized the format of my web site is unique and always the same. If I keep the popular format like most blogs on Facebook or Twitter, you would have hundreds of pages of log entries of all the updates to go through. Then after some time most people would just give up and ignore all the old ones.
That could be a huge waste of resourses and is not the situation I am hoping. Therefore I have been trying to keep it unchanged in the past 20 years, with no fancy decorations like flash-based animations.
Basically my web site is made of highly condensed pieces of information. Each entry, most less than 30 lines of text, would give you all the essential, uptodate information supported by carefully selected high qualify pictures. And all similar types of aircraft are bundled together on the same page.
I believe most of my regular visitors have gotten used to it. What they want is to go straight to the real "hot & juicy" stuff, all at the same place, no BS. Consequently it is difficult for each entry with only 20 or so lines to maintain a highly organized structure due to constant updating (or piling) of new information, even though I have been trying to.
In other words I don't want my web site to become another wiki (how often do they update wiki? Once every 3 months?). Mine is a highly active web site just like those popular blogs on Facebook or Twitter.