asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
Stunning aircraft
中国海军网今天报道,我海军航空兵30日派遣多架战斗机携带实弹在南海上空进行实战训练。配发的照片中可能首次公开展示了我海军航空兵战斗机于10月30 日带弹进驻西沙群岛永兴岛机场场面。从照片上战斗机的编号看,这些战斗机隶属于海空英雄王伟生前所在部队。西沙永兴岛是我国三沙市西沙群岛行政中心,岛上 的机场经过2014年最近一次扩建后跑道长度达到3000米,可起降包括大型运输机在内的各种飞机,成为我国南海重要的军民两用机场。
此外,30日《解放军报》法人微博“@军报记者”发表了一条微信:美丽的西沙,我可爱的家乡!(解放军报记者范江怀 摄于10月30日)。这表示拍摄海航战斗机在南海某机场着陆的摄影记者在10月30日在西沙永兴岛。
Apparently, this picture has been used to indicate that they did.
Did Chinese flankers really land on Yongxing Island on the 30th?
Chinese navy network reported today, on October 30th that the PLAN sent naval air combat aircraft over the South China Sea with live ammunition to conduct combat training . Photos show the first public demonstration of PLAN naval aviation fighters ostationed in the Xisha Yongxing Island Airport. From the photos, the fighters belonging to naval hero Wang Wei 's unit . Xisha Yongxing Island is the administrative center of three Shashi Paracel Islands. The island's airport underwent an expansion of the runway length to 3000 meters in 2014. It can now accommodate large transport aircraft and other military aircraft. The airport supports military operations into the South China Sea as well as civilian aircraft needs.
The Chinese naval website reported on a new set of three fighter combat training courses. This training will allow South China Sea Fleet Air Force combat aircraft to follwow a strict implementation of standards, overcome complex and diverse weather conditions, perform air and sea operations in unfamiliar environments, to puntuate the importance of mining equipment, and to enhance the ability to fulfill all mission mandates.
It is worth noting that this may be the official report on Yongxing Island Airport. As a result, because China is the only country in the South China Sea that has been put into practical use such a major airport, the Yongxing Island Airport, the naval air force Lingshui Airport airport will generally be referred to as "an airport in Hainan."
In addition , on October 30th, "Liberation Army Daily," published a micro-channel: Beautiful Sea, my lovely hometown! Photography of naval fighter landings took place on October 30th at Xisha Yongxing Island.
The following is based on a translation of a report in Chinese from pro-China Hong Kong media:
’s said in its report early today that the have published a set of photos showing that it has deployed J-11BH heavy fighters at an airport on in the , in response to a warship’s patrol of the waters within 12 nautical miles of ’s .
Previously China deployed J-8IIs at Lingshui Airfield to patrol the South China Sea.
As the J-8II only has a range of 2,500 km, it is only able to stay for a few minutes in remote areas of the the South China Sea.
Now, China is deploying J-11BHs with a range of 5,200 km from Yongxing Island, 350 km further into the South China Sea, to effectively patrol the South China Sea in response to the U.S. warship’s patrol.
The J-11BHs belong to the Wang Wei Regiment of the .
Wang Wei was the fighter who intercepted a U.S. renaissance aircraft in April 2001 when the U.S. aircraft allegedly came too close to China, and died due to the clash between the two aircraft.
He was later honoured as a “Sea-air Hero” and the regiment he was in was renamed the Wang Wei regiment in his memory.
For the deployment of the longer-range and more powerful and advanced fighter/bombers, the runway on Yongxing Island was lengthened to 3,000 metres last year.
That shows that China has been preparing for the U.S. planned move of patrolling the waters.
Singtao says China has plans to build more runways on the artificial islands in the South China Sea.
When those runways are put into operation, China will have much greater capabilities to control the South China Sea and expel .
Forbin said:J-11BSH of 25th Naval Aviation Regiment, 9th PLANAF Division landing at YongXing Island, South China Sea
According to the PLADaily () J-11BH\BSH of the 25th Naval Aviation Regiment landed at YongXing Island, South China Sea during a training drill.
Don't get too excited though -- the 25th has done this sort of things since the mid 2000s with their older J-8IIs.
Smart people should start mapping YongXing Island's aviation fuel depots before calling it a forward air base......... No fuel = no operations
Possesses 24 J-11BH/BSH before on J-8IIs up to 2013 rattached to SSF based to Lingshui.
Any ideas how fast the J11 from Woody island to Spratley island chain?
It's about 250 to 300 Miles.
Well, back to Forbin's point.Any ideas how fast the J11 from Woody island to Spratley island chain?
It's about 250 to 300 Miles.
They may not go ahead with fuel bunkers and simply use air strips for touch and go exercises in the near term until they've consolidated their hold over the rest of the SCS. The air strip is the shadow of an expanded footprint, but not yet the footprint itself.Well, back to Forbin's point.
If the airfield there is not set up with Fuel Bunkers for the aircraft...then it becomes fairly moot.
In the past, these aircraft have rotated through there for training...but not been based there.
More interesting to me, will be what type of fuel storage capabilities are constructed on the three 3,000 meter airfields being built on the new Islands down in the Spratley's specifically.
That will say a lot.
I would personally expect that airfield in the Parcels (on Wood Island) would have the fuel storage, but I have not been able to find any documentation of it.