Well, I couldn't tell exactly, but it looks to be new photos of J-11BS. I'd have to go through my collection to see if this is J-11B or BS. But seems like it's the latter.
If you think about it, J-10B and J-11BS pictures came out at around the same time, but I'm getting so many new photos of J-10B that I don't even bother posting most of them. J-11BS on the other hand is rarely seen. This could be the first flying photos of it that I saw. The way SAC is going, I wouldn't be surprised if J-10BS (even though it doesn't exist yet, it probably will) joining service ahead of J-11BS
I think these are the early J-11B prototype at an airshow short while ago. J-10, J-11B, JH-7 did an aerial display recently....
I'll get the direct links
Here it is -
Direct -
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