China Flanker Thread II

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Russian Will Not Sale Su-35 Avionics

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According to this news report, Russian will not ship avionics of Su-35 to China. What China buy is just "irons." The PESA radar of Su-35 would not be included in the deal.

If this is true then what China probably did was request that they put their own avionics on there. They have far more experience with AESA radars and have produced some that outperforms the IrbisE on paper.


Banned Idiot
Russian Will Not Sale Su-35 Avionics

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According to this news report, Russian will not ship avionics of Su-35 to China. What China buy is just "irons." The PESA radar of Su-35 would not be included in the deal.

That can't be completely true. Modern aircraft can't be flown at all, much less to full potential, without specifically matched flight avionics. It is not plausible for the Chinese to want to spend years to develope their own matched flight avionics for a bunch of bare Russian airframes. At most this could only mean some specific mission avionics would not be delivered.

I suspect the Chinese would want to use their own mission avionics if only so the Russians can't tell everyone else about the specs on these mission avionics.


That can't be completely true. Modern aircraft can't be flown at all, much less to full potential, without specifically matched flight avionics. It is not plausible for the Chinese to want to spend years to develope their own matched flight avionics for a bunch of bare Russian airframes. At most this could only mean some specific mission avionics.

They already have their AESA for the J-11B/15/16, so matching them on a Sukhoi airframe will be relatively easy. The main problem, if the deal is true, would be the integration of the weapons systems.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Has the Chinese finally agreed to buy the Su-35? If not... then where does the Russian not wanting to export their avionic and only bare airframe came from? And how come all these news only came from Russia one sided, rather than from both the Chinese and Russian site? Or again... was it just some make up story to stir the heat up again?


Many of us have pointed out that China does not want the Su-35 because the avionics wouldn't be compatible with China's C4ISR system. China probably declined Russia's offering of the Su-35 citing the same reason, and the Russian responded by saying the Su-35 avionics will not be exported. It is just Russians claiming they not selling something to China that China does not want in the first place. There is nothing new.


Banned Idiot
I think because china has her own credible fighter industry, selling Su-35 to the Chinese would gain the aircraft a great deal of credibility with sukhoi's other potential customers. Therefore the Russians are more eager to sell Su-35 to china than perhaps the Chinese are eager to buy.


Junior Member
Russian Will Not Sale Su-35 Avionics

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According to this news report, Russian will not ship avionics of Su-35 to China. What China buy is just "irons." The PESA radar of Su-35 would not be included in the deal.
The article is confusing. It say 技术 (technology). Likely means that there is no transfer of technology which is reasonable.

It also say only "irons", but I find it hard to believe that they would just sell the hardware without software. So it probably means that selling the system(hardware + software) without transfer of technology.


New Member
The article is confusing. It say 技术 (technology). Likely means that there is no transfer of technology which is reasonable.

It also say only "irons", but I find it hard to believe that they would just sell the hardware without software. So it probably means that selling the system(hardware + software) without transfer of technology.

i agree.the article is absolute rubbish and origin of story is not take on possible sale of SU35s to China is its never goner happen unless china offers to buy a huge number ie 100+ and thus mitigating the risk of china reverse engineering.i think China will not buy because China is now at a stage where R&D is cheaper than reverse engineering.But if China where to buy the SU35S,For me it would be tantamount to admitting that the Chinese are not where they want to be at the moment.
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