China Flanker Thread II

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Lieutenant General
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Just to note regarding the designation or suffix-letter-confusion, since we need to differ between both aircraft:

the JL-9H is the standard-trainer version operated at the Shanhaiguan airfield and wearing 81x7x-serial, but the JL-9G is the carrier-capable (or at least carrier-trainer) version with the new tail. the DSI-intake, I think a modified wing and the tail-hook.


Jeff Head

Registered Member
Just to note regarding the designation or suffix-letter-confusion, since we need to differ between both aircraft:

the JL-9H is the standard-trainer version operated at the Shanhaiguan airfield and wearing 81x7x-serial, but the JL-9G is the carrier-capable (or at least carrier-trainer) version with the new tail. the DSI-intake, I think a modified wing and the tail-hook.

Thanks Dieno. So, if I understand correctly, there are two Naval versions of the JL-9, the naval version of the normal, ground based trainer, the JL-9H, and now a newer naval carrier variant, the JL-9G.

That would explain it.

The Carrier version took out the dorsal fins in favor of the arrestor hook, has the changed tail, made some changes to the intakes to avoid stalls, and also changes along the leading and trailing edges of the wings it appears...all to help with high AOA when landing on the carrier.

Will be nice to see some of these operating off of the carrier too.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Exactly !
Do the JL-9 trainers have a light attack combat capability?

If they do, then there is another option/capability that the Liaoning and future carriers might be able to take advantage of. The US operated A-4 Skyhawks, which were light attack aircraft, off of the big carriers very effectively for many years.

I found the following pretty decent write-up:


Chinese Military Aviation said:
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In order to adapt to the carrier operation environment, JL-9G features some extensive modifications. They include strengthened landing gears, a tail arresting hook and enlarged wings. Leading edge slaps and leading edge root extensions were installed in order to reduce the take-off and landing speed at higher AOA. It also features a taller tailfin housing additional ECM equipment on the top and offering more stability during the high AOA take-off and landing. New DSIs were installed as well which reduce the weight. New conformal antennas are installed at the wingtips. Due to the installation of the arresting hook the twin ventral stabilizing fins were removed. JL-9G made its maiden flight in 2009 and two prototypes (S/N 423 & 424) were tested at CFTE. The trainer is expected to support the carrier based J-15 fighter. An export version dubbed FTC-2000G multi-role trainer/light attack aircraft was unveiled at the 2012 Zhuhai Airshow. This features an additional pair of side pylons underneath the fuselage for bombs as well as wingtip pylons for AAMs.
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Lieutenant General
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The word is that there are now 12 J-15.

As tphuang points out, the latest pre-production J-15 seen was 0008 (556). I suppose that this aircraft and the others seen with CFTE numbers have been assigned to the carrier air regiment: there has been a number of pictures of them at Xingcheng-2 (Huangdicun) carrier air base.

The Lot 01 J-15 0104 was seen in one of the pictures from Shenyang AC, so it is unlikely to be in service now. This lot is expected to comprise 24 planes.

I do not know how far production of J-15S has proceeded, but they would certainly seem to need two-seaters for carrier training.

I would think that it has been posted already, but anyway: It was announced on 10 May that the Navy's first carrier-based air formation was officially formed today in the Bohai Bay, marking the construction of aircraft carrier combat effectiveness of troops entered a new stage. The carrier-based aviation unit is the core of the construction of aircraft carrier combat effectiveness, by carrier-based aircraft flying units, maintenance support troops; equipped with

carrier-based fighters = J-15
trainer aircraft = JL-9H
and anti-submarine, rescue, warning and other ship-borne helicopters = KA-28PL, KA-28PS and KA-31

I think this must resurrection of 7 Naval Aviation Division, which in 1988 became the Naval Aviation Training Base at Shanhaiguan, where 2 Training Regiment (ex 7 Div 19 Regt) is now flying some 20 JL-9H.

The KA-28/KA-31 helicopters are at present based at Ningbo-Zhuangqiao in East Sea Fleet.

this is kind of off topic, but they transferred some of the Ka-28s to NSF recently. Those will probably join the first carrier born aviation force.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
carrier-based fighters = J-15
trainer aircraft = JL-9H
and anti-submarine, rescue, warning and other ship-borne helicopters = KA-28PL, KA-28PS and KA-31

I think this must resurrection of 7 Naval Aviation Division, which in 1988 became the Naval Aviation Training Base at Shanhaiguan, where 2 Training Regiment (ex 7 Div 19 Regt) is now flying some 20 JL-9H.

The KA-28/KA-31 helicopters are at present based at Ningbo-Zhuangqiao in East Sea Fleet.

What about the Z9 and naval Z8YJ? We have seen pictures of them for operation off the carriers like the Z8YJ with the retractable radar


Senior Member
this is kind of off topic, but they transferred some of the Ka-28s to NSF recently. Those will probably join the first carrier born aviation force.

Interesting. I saw some pictures of three Z-8J and Z-9 from Qingdao-Licang at Zhuangqiao, so you information strengthens my belief that the NSF and ESF helicopter regiments may be swapping bases.

The Z-8 AEW is apparently only at the prototype stage. They could no doubt use Z-9 in the SAR (plane guard) role, but in the Kamovs PLANAF have had operational dedicated AEW, ASW and SAR helicopters for quite some time (I know it is de rigueur to hate everything Russian, I wonder where PLA would be without well, that was more off-topic).


Senior Member
that was more off-topic).

You are right. Keep it out of this thread, pls.

back on topic. Do you think that china will use, at least in a later date, a two-seat J-15 version for training for its carrier pilots? i remember that russia did that for its carrier pilots.
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You are right. Keep it out of this thread, pls.

back on topic. Do you think that china will use, at least in a later date, a two-seat J-15 version for training for its carrier pilots? i remember that russia did that for its carrier pilots.

We've already seen the twin seat J-15, trainer role comes standard.
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