China Flanker Thread II

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Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
What is the average life span of a WS-10 Taihang?

Widely reported in the net (both english and chinese site), the life span of the WS-10A was around 1500hrs. Not sure if that was the official figures, but it had been pretty consistence... and is thus longer than the Russian's counterpart AL-31 that had a reported life span of 900hrs.


Senior Member
My opinion is that although the WS-10 engines are useable, they are far from mature. As of the most recent Golden Helmet exercises the J-11Bs with Taihang engines still didn't perform as well as their AL-31 equipped counterparts.

Well, keep in mind PLAAF had AL31 equipped J11s to play with much longer than ones with WS10, at least 3 years ??
Takes time not only for the pilots but the ground crew to bring things up to speed before they declare themselves operational & can start engaging in all war-fighting trainings.

I think Abraham Lincoln said it best: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

I had no doubt he is a fool even before he had spoken out. :)



Looks like J-15 with Taihang
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