On a side note, how does the single pilot on the F-18 accomplish the tasks that required 2 pilots on the F-14 back in the day?
Thats an outstanding question, as lots of attack/fighter attack aircraft were at one time two holers, The F-4 was a very large sophisticated aircraft for its day, the USAF called their backseater a Whiz-0, he had a stick, throttle and some rudimentary flight controls, but no rudder pedals, the Navy called their back seater a RIO, he had no flight controls to distract him from his role as radar intercept officer. When the F-14 rolled around the navy retained their back seater since their bird was more sophisticated, the F-15 eliminated their backseater as the F-15 was an Air Superiority Fighter. At some point the Air Force decided to create the F-15e Strike Eagle and reintroduced the backseater and the Navy introduced the Hornet to simplify things and eliminated the back seater, sssooooo, what can we conclude from that little bit of history. Technology has decreased the workload to a place where a back seater may not be necessary, but tactically its nice to have a backseater to do some of your work for you, and another set of eyeballs to watch for the bad boys is nice to have along as well. Obviously the F-22 and F-35 will not incorporate a back seater as automation and equipment integration have gone a long way to reduce the heavy workload. The J-16 is primarily a similar aircraft in mission to the F-15e and as a Fighter/Bomber the back-seater is nice to have along. If someone else has other thoughts I would like to hear them?