China Flanker Thread II

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Lieutenant General
Lets just say that Fighter pilots are a competitive lot and don't like to lose

So it's completely inconceivable that American fighter jocks might have an attack of sour grapes because they don't like to lose?

The difference between a canard system and a TVC system is that in a tight turn the canards are generating drag as they deflect to tighten a turn while the TVC as it is designed on the F22 is continuously using thrust to tighten that turn. Two different answers to the same question

Firstly, adding pointless bold text is about as effect as shouting out random words when you are talking.

Secondly, all you have demonstrated is a lack of basic understanding of basic aerodynamics how TVC works.

Number 1, with TVC, as with a conventional tail, you are pushing the tail one way in order to point the nose in another. That is inherently a less efficient means of moving the nose than just applying force directly on the nose as a canard does.

Number 2, what does drag do? It slows a plane down, which is bad as you seem to understand. But what happens when you use TVC to redirect the thrust of your engines to point, say, 30 degrees down instead of directly behind your plane? You turn the nose of the plane faster, but you also loose a proportion of your thrust as it is no longer pushing your plane forwards at the most efficient angel. Yes the engines are still giving out as much thrust as they always did, but not all of it will be pushing your plane forwards now. That also slows your plane down, which is also bad.

Now which of the two bads is worse is not something easily determined by prodding a model airplane but requires complex calculations and probably also advanced computer modeling if not real live test flights. That's where all the eggheads with the relevant PhDs and supercomputers come into their own, and I would be far less arrogant in thinking I somehow know better than them just because I look at some clips on youtube if I were you.

The key point that I continue to hammer away at is the the TVC is an integral part of the total flight control system. It is that feature that makes it unique. Software and hardware work together to allow the pilot to carry out smooth seemly impossible maneuvers. I know you have seen F-22s performing back-flips and falling leaf maneuvers at air shows.

Take a look at the F-22 for yourself.
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Now watch the Eurofighter at Paris last year
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You be the judge!

As I have been trying to hammer home, your much vaunted integrated TVC concept is no cutting edge concept, it's exactly the same principle as all existing modern FBW with the only different being TVC has been integrated into the FBW just like every other control surface. If anyone else bothered to put TVC on their planes, it would do exactly what the Raptor's TVC would do, and it would just need an upgrade of the existing FBW systems and software to take into account the TVC instead of a brand new design.

Adding TVC to existing modern fighter FBW would be like installing a new joystick to your computer. The hardware is new and you will need to install the corresponding software for your system to make use of it, but the underlying principles of how a joystick will work is exactly the same as what the computer already uses to interface with your keyboard and mouse. You do not need to buy a new computer or operating system to use the new joystick.

As for the vids, well do you have any concept about the different between an airshow stunt with zero practical value and real combat relevant maneuvers? Your Raptor 'backflip' is a perfect example of the former while that Typhoon demo is a good example of the latter.

If you knew even the most basic things about modern air combat, you would realize that firstly, the moves in that Raptor demo is worse than useless in a real dogfight (the American pilot's gleeful comments about just switching to guns and drilling away when they were talking about Indian MKIs pulling similar TVC tricks spring to mind throughout that demo), and that secondly, the Raptor was not demonstrating the agility of it's airframe with that routine - it was demonstrating the amazing TWR of it's engines.

As I have said, the Raptor's airframe is distinctly conventional (i.e 3rd gen) when it comes to maneuverability. It is only with those ridiculously powerful engines that the whole packages can even challenge 4th gen concept fighters like the Typhoon in a dogfight (and kick the butt of other 3rd gen designs like the F15/16/18), and that in itself is quite a respectably achievement.

The difference in the agility of the airframes can be seen quite clearly in the speeds at which the planes were giving those displays.

As everyone here should know, the faster you go, the longer it takes you to turn your nose. With 3rd gen conventional designs, they tend to drop well into subsonic territory when they engage in dogfighting, because in doing so, they surrender a great deal of energy/airspeed and they cannot regain it fast enough to get close to supersonic speeds so long as they continue to turn hard and stay in the dogfight.

The biggest conceptual change the canard delta design brings is improvements in transonic maneuverability, whereby the airframe is able to make good turns without sacrificing so much airspeed/energy that they can engage targets in a dogfight when still retaining supersonic speeds, or high enough subsonic speeds that they can go supersonic again without much bother or time.

The tactical advantages this big superiority in airspeed and energy gives to the pilots of canard deltas is massive, and would go a long way to explaining why the J10 is able to so comprehensively kick the butt of the mighty Flanker in WRV, and also why the Europeans were so confident that their Eurocanards had nothing to fear from Russian super-Flankers. I would expect this point to be demonstrated beyond all doubt when India starts doing DACT between their new Rafales and their MKIs.

Now, getting back to the F22, as I have said, it's airframe is distinctly 3rd gen, however, it does have those mighty 5th gen engines, and they would account for a great deal. However, looking at the recent Red flag results, it would appear that the extra power of those mighty engines is just not quite big enough to overcome the difference in airframe design and the Typhoon has nothing to fear of the Raptor in WVR combat.


Banned Idiot
Secondly, all you have demonstrated is a lack of basic understanding of basic aerodynamics how TVC works.

Number 1, with TVC, as with a conventional tail, you are pushing the tail one way in order to point the nose in another. That is inherently a less efficient means of moving the nose than just applying force directly on the nose as a canard does.


read math and physics, thrust vectoring means a vector that add a resultant and a little of control systems, the tailplanes and TVC nozzles work in conjuction increasing roll and turn rates
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Banned Idiot
Lets just say that Fighter pilots are a competitive lot and don't like to lose

The difference between a canard system and a TVC system is that in a tight turn the canards are generating drag as they deflect to tighten a turn while the TVC as it is designed on the F22 is continuously using thrust to tighten that turn. Two different answers to the same question

The key point that I continue to hammer away at is the the TVC is an integral part of the total flight control system. It is that feature that makes it unique. Software and hardware work together to allow the pilot to carry out smooth seemly impossible maneuvers. I know you have seen F-22s performing back-flips and falling leaf maneuvers at air shows.

Take a look at the F-22 for yourself.
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Now watch the Eurofighter at Paris last year
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You be the judge!
you are right, but you said it before, they won`t addmit it because China has no engine with TVC nozzles so they will put excuses and irreal explanations TVC has many uses in fact Eurofighter offered to India an upgrade with it.

But under prize consideration they rejected the offer simply because Eurofighter is very expensive.

In fact 117S adds many advantages that Su-35 offered to China, but of course only the engine was of interest to China, an 117S engine is only USD$4-5 while the Su-35 USD$50-60 millions, that was the whole wranggling of the issue between China and Russia

Perhaps China will later show a domestic TVC nozzles then they will say TVC is great
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Look what you write is pure fantasy, to start let us see the

compare the wing loading of F-22 and Eurofighter what do you find?

yes you find that F-22 has higher wing loading, despite it has a huge wing actually has worse wing loading than Eurofighter.

I know in your fantasies you expect J-20 to be as light as Eurofighter but

how much does F-16 and F-35 weight at empty weight?

answer is simple F-16 weighs 9 tonnes, F-35 weighs 13 tonnes.

I know you think J-20 has similar numbers to Eurofighter, but not J-20 is at least 5.5 meters bigger than Eurofighter and at least it weighs 9 tonnes more at empty weight.

compare the Thrust to weight ratio of F-22 and Eurofighter what do you find?
well you find that F-22 is in the class of F-15, that actually Eurofighter has higher thrust to weight ratio.
As usual, when facts are not on your side, you start
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, which is a misrepresentation and a fallacy. Quickie never claimed J-20 is lighter than Eurofighter. Instead, he made a quote which is very important:
Although the British Aerospace designers rejected some of its advanced features such as vectoring engine nozzles and vented trailing-edge controls, they agreed with the overall configuration.

Eurofighter's engineers knew about TVC yet rejected it. Their work is capable of out maneuvering the F-22 as evident by pictures, and did so without TVN.

So then why F-22 having the numbers of F-15 is much better than F-15 in maneouvrability, do you want to know the answer?

TVC nozzles and internal weapons bays, yes that is the answer, internal weapons bay that reduce drag and TVC nozzles increase turn rates.
The true answer lies in the ability for the F-22 supercruise, as well as the more advanced aerodynamics on the F-22. Supercruise ability allows the F-22 to fly with lower drag than a regular fighter at the same thrust-to-weight ratio. A lower drag has similar effects as a higher thrust, increasing the turn performance of a plane. F-22's better aerodynamics can be seen from the extensive use of vortex generating devices, allowing the plane to fly at higher AoA than the F-15, thereby enabling the F-22 to achieve a tighter turn. All F-15 has are its wings when turning. F-22 is perfectly able to out maneuver the F-15 without need of TVC.

I know you are thinking your self how come an Eurofighter can match a F-22 in agility, give it fight and in dogfights beat it.

the answer lies in two factors,

Eurofighter has in a very low wing loading configuration a wing loading of 330 kilograms square meters, while F-22 something in the range of 400kg over square meters.

Eurofighter supercruises, so in a light configuration has relatively low drag even carrying external stores and weapons.
F-22 can supercruise too in case you conveniently forget, and does so at a higher Mach number (1.8) than Eurofighter can (1.5). Yet, the Eurofighter matches the maneuverability of the F-22. As for wing loading, F-15 also has a lower wing loading than F-22, yet F-22 can turn better.

What actually gives the Eurofighter an advantage is the canard configuration. An aircraft with traditional configuration such as the F-22 needs the stabilator to push the tail down in order to lift the nose up in a turn, which kills precious lift. On an aircraft with canard, the fore planes lift the nose up creating extra lift during a turn, enhancing total lift thus helping the aircraft to turn better.

The fact is, Eurofighter can match F-22's in maneuverability without resorting to using TVN. Thus, an aircraft with TVN is not undefeatable as you are trying to misrepresent.

So why J-20 can not compare to Eurofighter?

The answer lies in two factors thrust to weight ratio and cross section.

F-22 is heavier than F-15 at empty weight F-15 weighs 13 tonnes while F-22 19 tonnes.
F-35 weighs 13 tonnes F-16 9 tonnes

all stealth aircraft are heavier than the generation before due to larger cross sections.

Why? first they use S ducts this increases weight, second internal weapons bays increase volume and weight.
Weight alone does not determine the maneuverability of a fighter. While it is true that stealth fighters are heavier than fighters in the generation before, this is made up by more powerful engines being employed on stealth fighter. What's more, with aircraft getting heavier with each generation we are also seeing an even faster increase in thrust-to-weight ratio.

In a way, you are correct in saying that Eurofighter cannot be compared to the J-20. That's because J-20 has better aerodynamic than the Eurofighter. So, from a purely aerodynamics perspective, the J-20 will have an easier time when put in the place of a Eurofighter.

now, stealth shaping always increases drag yes i know you think J-20 is more aerodynamic than Eurofighter, but not Eurofighter has a bullet shaped forebody like Su-27 or any missile or ICBM.
Your opinion of J-20 being less aerodynamic is merely your fantasy, which is repeatedly shown to be nothing more than your fantasy ever since your first post on this board.

The fact that Eurofighter and Su-27 have a traditional nose (bullet shape) is actually one reason why these two aircraft are less aerodynamic than the J-20. The F-22 and F-35 make extensive use of vortices that enhance the total lift of the aircraft, and are aerodynamic more sophisticated thus more superior to older generation of fighter aircraft. J-20 goes one step further by incorporating effects of canard into the aerodynamics. So, not only is J-20's aerodynamic more sophisticated than that of Eurofighter, J-20's aerodynamic is also more sophisticated than that of F-22 thus superior.

However Eurofighter and Su-27 have a disadvantage external weapons increase drag too, So J-11 or Eurofighter increase drag a lot fully loaded.
That is the reason Su-30MKI has thrust vectoring

So answer to your statement does J-20 need TVC nozzles? answer yes it does.

Because the need to carry large weapons bays, add S ducts increases weight on J-20, plus its large faceted cross section increase drag.
Wrong. The F-15 with a thrust-to-weight ratio at 1.2:1 is higher than that of F-22's value of 1.09. However, F-22 can super cruise while the F-15 cannot, because F-22's has lower drag than that of F-15. Your claim that stealth aircraft automatically means higher drag has no basis in reality.

An important parameter in drag is the ratio between wingspan to the aircraft's length. Typically, this ratio is inversely proportional to the drag of the aircraft, and is the reason that 2nd generation aircraft are long and slim. J-20 is purposely designed to have a lower ratio than current front line fighters in order to achieve lower drag.

So does J-20 need TVN? The answer is a simple no. The reason is that none of the reasons you have identified -- drag, stealth shaping, and weight justify the use of TVN. There are even less reasons to use TVN when we keep in mind of the associated weight and maintenance penalties.

Your argument that J-20 needs TVN does not come from performance concern, but from your fantasy to see delays in the introduction of the aircraft. This is reveal by your early posts on this board.

So to answer you why Eurofighter can compete with F-22 in agility, the answer is at expense of weapons carriage, a light loaded Eurofighter can compete with F-22 in agility but only in a very light configuration otherwise it will not be able to compete.

However F-22 is not inferior to Eurofighter but that is thanks to TVC nozzles without it the F-22 is not better than F-16 or F-15, but with helmet mounted sights more or less both are even in dogfights.
It is doubtful that F-22's would be fully loaded in a WVR exercise with the Eurofighter. With the F-22 being lightly loaded already, not even the use of its TVN helped the aircraft in gaining advantages over an aircraft that is one generation behind. This shows a lot of advantages associated with TVN are nothing more than marketing gimmicks that fail to materialize in a real world scenario.

Experience shows that over use of TVN actually gets the aircraft kills faster. Here is a statement from a USAF general:
We've been fighting the Raptor and getting our butts kicked, and you know the only chance you have against the Raptor is when he's in the turn and he's coming around the corner -- and you have an inexperienced guy because the experienced guys know not to get there -- but the inexperienced guy has got -- and this is, no [shoot], 28-degrees-per-second turn rate at 20,000 feet. The F-15 has an instantaneous [turn rate] of 21 [degrees] and a sustained [turn rate] of about 15-20 degrees. The Raptor can sustain 28 degrees. Some of these young guys, that's not enough for them. They want more than that! So they come around the corner, and, here you are in your Eagle, just hoping that he gets scared and ... [the F-22 pilot] pulls to the point where he's going post-stall manoeuvring. Once he goes post-stall, the airplane stops moving around the centre of lift on the wing and it goes around the centre of gravity up by the nose because it goes on just thrust, and the ass-end drops down, and the airplane will rotate like this. Well, in the Eagle, or in the [F-16] Viper, when you see that, you immediately go vertical because you know he's not going to be able to go up with you, and you have one fleeting opportunity against the Raptor and that's it


Banned Idiot
Experience shows that over use of TVN actually gets the aircraft kills faster. Here is a statement from a USAF general:

F-15 carries external stores adds lots of drag.
F-15 can fly at Mach 2.5
F-15 lacks thrust vectoring

F-22 without thrust vectoring has worse roll rate than F-15 and F-16

Add TVC nozzles and F-22 surpasses F-15, take no externall stores to F-15s and has excellent agility.

And Sorry, ICBM reduce drag with ogives and circular cross sections.

Of course it is too difficult for you to understand faceted shapes destroy aerodynamics see F-117.


Banned Idiot
No. The banner didn't translate to New Type of Radar. It translate to, "Welcome Back New Radar Program Bidding Warriors" which also meant to welcome those that represent the company to the bidding war for supplies of AESA radar. And the big banner right on the top (part of the wordings are not visible) said something of, "Celebrating the company's certain radar program bidding war... the rest of the words are not visible... I am guess the last few words would translate to victory or wins."

the company that won the bid is LETRI.there are two companies engaging in radar work ,one is LETRI based on suzhou,the other was Nanjing radar.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
So it's completely inconceivable that American fighter jocks might have an attack of sour grapes because they don't like to lose?
Secondly, all you have demonstrated is a lack of basic understanding of basic aerodynamics how TVC works.

Number 1, with TVC, as with a conventional tail, you are pushing the tail one way in order to point the nose in another. That is inherently a less efficient means of moving the nose than just applying force directly on the nose as a canard does.

Wolfie you are seriously off topic, and you being patently unfair to the Raptor, I am supposing that you have witnessed the Raptor performing at an airshow, since you remind us that its tremendously difficult to assess an aircraft with a youtube video!

1.If LockMart and the USAF wanted a canard on any aircraft they would install them posthaste, we have been building aircraft with canards for a long time, and several of the ATF proposals had canards, Lockmart and the USAF did "not" want canards since they severely compromise the L/O quality of "any" airframe.

2. Your assertion that the Raptor has a 3rd gen airframe is simply untrue, the Raptor is the only fifth gen aircraft that can wear the label "Stealth". The Radar does not lie Mr. Wolf, but lots of forum boys do! The Raptor is designed to be Stealthy and Supermanueverable, it achieves those objectives through Superior engineering and design, as well as materials and coatings.

3. Your opinion that canards are more capable than TVC is also unsubstantiated, Gen Nortor Schwartz outgoing Air Force Chief of Staff asserts the F-22 will achieve and maintain a 6 g turn at 50,000 ft, and asks the question what other aircraft will do that? The Raptor's TVC is responsible for the "tactical edge" the Raptor holds on all other fighter aircraft, it is integral with the Raptors incredible F119, I believe Dr. Song stated, "Unhumanly Powerfull" to quote him verbatum.

As for the vids, well do you have any concept about the different between an airshow stunt with zero practical value and real combat relevant maneuvers?

4th.Finally, LT. Col. Max Moga, the first Raptor demo pilot, and the Squardron Commander of the F-22 squadron at JB Elemendorf, the owner/ operator of the LAST Raptor off the line, [hows that for a perk on the job, your "own" Raptor], makes it abundantly clear, that all the Raptor manuevers are part of a tactical demonstration of the Raptor's superior speed and agility in a combat environment. As a further note then Maj. Moga made the point that he was not putting on an aerobatic, but a tactical display, and that he specifically did not "depart the aircraft", as he demonstrated the post-stall regime, as that would jeopardize the aircraft and the safety of his flying display.

Now, getting back to the F22, as I have said, it's airframe is distinctly 3rd gen, however, it does have those mighty 5th gen engines, and they would account for a great deal. However, looking at the recent Red flag results, it would appear that the extra power of those mighty engines is just not quite big enough to overcome the difference in airframe design and the Typhoon has nothing to fear of the Raptor in WVR combat.

Perhaps you should ask Col. Moga yourself, I imagine he's in the phone book at JB Elemendorf/Richardson, he could tell ya, then he'd havta kill ya! I think you better watch your six Jr., you're highly defensive, and the Raptor would light you up like a Roman candle, and you'll never know he was there?

While you're yaking at Col Moga, ask him if the Flanker benefits from TVC? I have a Franklin that says he will answer in the affirmative! Brat OUT!


you are saying the truth, TVC nozzles is always an asset, it fixes disadvantages of stealth, increases the ability to carry more weight and load, increases STOL, turn rate, decreases drag, increases thrust and range

so to put it in context a J-11 or J-20 with TVC nozzles makes them better fighters

The ability to carry more weight and load is due to higher thrust, while the increase of thrust is associated with the increase in engine performance. This increase is brought by either an increase of turbine temperature or improvement of air flow, and has nothing to do with TVN. Your act of assigning these improvements to the TVN is quite disingenuous.

The claim that TVN enhance stealth is an example of bad accounting, since it assigns RCS increase to deflection of control surfaces while conveniently ignore the deflection of the nozzle. This is no different than sweeping problems under the rug. Furthermore, when control surfaces are deflecting at large angle to dramatically increase RCS, it means the aircraft is already out maneuvering missiles or dog fighting. Improvement of RCS would be pointless when the enemy already sees you.

As for the claim that TVN improves turn rate, it is the same as claiming TVN reduces drag. The problem is, these claims are also bad accounting. During cruise, control surfaces are near neutral and produce negligible drag, thus TVN produces negligible improvements even if TVN reduces drag. During maneuvering, the control surfaces deflect and the resulting drag is cited as a disadvantage. However, TVN loses 1.5% forward thrust at 10° deflection and 6.1% at 20° deflection. Conveniently ignoring this lost and ignoring the increase in weight of the aircraft due to TVN does not mean these disadvantages do not exist.

The only true advantage of TVN is STOL, which is the same as post-stall maneuverability as TVN is used in pitch control when control surfaces are ineffective. However, post-stall maneuverability has little practical purpose in a dog fight, as time and time again it is shown that post-stall only causes the aircraft to die faster.

Every advantage has a counter-example showing the disadvantage. While clever marketing tricks can conveniently ignore these disadvantages, they cannot hide the lack of enthusiasm in TVN shown by air forces around the world.


Lets just say that Fighter pilots are a competitive lot and don't like to lose
Surely, USAF wouldn't allow an F-22 sticker on the F-18G if there wasn't a confirm kill.

The difference between a canard system and a TVC system is that in a tight turn the canards are generating drag as they deflect to tighten a turn while the TVC as it is designed on the F22 is continuously using thrust to tighten that turn. Two different answers to the same question
I don't know where you get the idea that canard generate (enormous) drag when deflected at large angle, but that idea is incorrect. A control surface generates drag because it has an incidence angle with respects to the oncoming air flow. All moving canards like those found on J-10 and J-20 always keep the incidence small with respects to oncoming air flow.

Now, what you call drag is actually a type of energy transfer, as forward energy of the aircraft is turned into rotational energy through the control surfaces. TVC also has to make the same type of energy transfer by turning forward thrust into rotational moment, except that the transfer is not called drag.

The key point that I continue to hammer away at is the the TVC is an integral part of the total flight control system. It is that feature that makes it unique. Software and hardware work together to allow the pilot to carry out smooth seemly impossible maneuvers. I know you have seen F-22s performing back-flips and falling leaf maneuvers at air shows.

Take a look at the F-22 for yourself.
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Now watch the Eurofighter at Paris last year
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You be the judge!
That is just FBW system at work. It is nothing special.


F-15 carries external stores adds lots of drag.
F-15 can fly at Mach 2.5
F-15 lacks thrust vectoring
F-15 is not known for supercruise at Mach 1.8, with or without external stores. Your claim that stealth fighter automatically means higher drag is still incorrect.

F-22 without thrust vectoring has worse roll rate than F-15 and F-16

Add TVC nozzles and F-22 surpasses F-15, take no externall stores to F-15s and has excellent agility.
F-22's maneuverability surpasses that of F-15 due to the F-22's ability to supercruise and possession of more advanced aerodynamics. Another factor I forgot to mention earlier is that F-22 has relaxed stability. I know you think every single improvements are attributed to the TVN, but that is merely your fantasy. We have already seen how an Eurofighter without TVN can match the maneuverability of the F-22.

And Sorry, ICBM reduce drag with ogives and circular cross sections.
The F-22 with chines can supercruise at Mach 1.8, while the Eurofighter can only supercruise at Mach 1.5. In other words, the aircraft with lower thrust-to-weight ratio can supercruise faster than an aircraft with higher thrust-to-weight ratio, which implies the F-22 with stealth shaping has less drag. The entire aircraft must be considered when we talk about drag.
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like you did above is a fallacy.

Regardless, presence of chines induce vortices, and these vortices cause aerodynamic interactions further downstream. This results in aerodynamic being more complicated, thus a sign of more advanced aerodynamics.

Of course it is too difficult for you to understand faceted shapes destroy aerodynamics see F-117.
F-22 with stealth shaping can supercruise at Mach 1.8, no other fighter aircraft can. It is simple as that.
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