China Flanker Thread II

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Senior Member
This is true. People like to jump at the opportunity to say China cannot design and build modern jet engines. The reality is that China can do both, but doing so requires enormous resources and focus at the national level. In comparison, western engine manufacturers make new engines like cakewalk, while still have enough resource left to research into new technologies.

Currently, China possess all the requirements to build a F-119 class engine, and the resulting product is the WS-15. What China needs now is money and practice. $1.53 billion may sound a lot, but it is nothing compared to the enormous fund that Western engine manufacturers gain from civilian sector. Western engine manufacturers also have enormous experience from building countless civilian engines, whereas the only experience China has right now is the WS-10. China won't get the experience it needs without practice in building 10~20 new turbofan engines.

Guess that the military versions of civilian planes like the C919 would help spur development of new turbofan engines, along with new civilian planes too.


Banned Idiot
around late april or may,article from claim that PLAAF concern (or shock) about the short life span of WS-10,the big problem was turbine blade.later China warn pratt and witney that they going lost the chinese market if they do not share the technology.but the pentagon step in,and the project was scrapped.


Gee, does anyone recall a member who consistently posted unsubstantiated one-liner as news, never provided link to source, and whom eventually got banned?


Lieutenant General
around late april or may,article from claim that PLAAF concern (or shock) about the short life span of WS-10,the big problem was turbine blade.later China warn pratt and witney that they going lost the chinese market if they do not share the technology.but the pentagon step in,and the project was scrapped.

Nothing but BS. If China can increase the MTBR of AL31 from 900 hr to 1800 hr. It mean that they already solve the first stage turbine blade life span. Because that is the only one that exposed to high temperature, the rest are piece of cake

Isn't the guy that invent the blade single crystal metal got medal about 2 years ago for his invention

Anyway Prat and whitney got in trouble not because of turbine blade but because they supplied the helicopter engine to be used in the building of WZ 10 prototype


Banned Idiot
it's open admission,the problem was turbine blade,WS-10 uses DB-4 single cyrstal metal,data official release by AVIC in 2004,claim her MTBR is around 500 hr.,remember the original AL-31f build in the 80's is even shorter MTBR than WS-10. WS-10 may have been rush to service purely for public relation.trying to send message to the outside world,that China capable of building modern TF engine. despite the problem.
according to China official, they plan to invest as much $5 billion in the development of jet engine.


Lieutenant General
it's open admission,the problem was turbine blade,WS-10 uses DB-4 single cyrstal metal,data official release by AVIC in 2004,claim her MTBR is around 500 hr.,remember the original AL-31f build in the 80's is even shorter MTBR than WS-10. WS-10 may have been rush to service purely for public relation.trying to send message to the outside world,that China capable of building modern TF engine. despite the problem.
according to China official, they plan to invest as much $5 billion in the development of jet engine.

LOL you are using data from 2004. Wake up it is now 2012. 8 years is ancient history. I don't believe they have problem with turbine blade . Most likely they have problem with component supplier that is not up to speed with quality control. But that is normal if you built complicated engine like Gas turbine It take sometime until they bring the supplier quality control up to speed.

Ans only if you have large population of engine you can identify the weakest component and initiate reduction of components to increase the reliability of the turbine.
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Banned Idiot
the original reported that Chinese engineer able to increase the AL-31F MTBR to 1500hr. sure I remember it I do read it, but it does not mention the turbine could have refering to other part of the engine.
if you following the development of WS-10 year by year,first the problem was the fuel pump,then problem was gear box.and now it was turbine blade, (WS-10 uses DB-4 single cyrstal turbine french SNECMA may have provide some technical support)all in all WS10 is better engine than AL-31F, her achilles heel was turbine blade.
as one Chinese official (from dengsheng) admit "that were able to copy the entire AL-31F,except the turbine blade"


Senior Member
the original reported that Chinese engineer able to increase the AL-31F MTBR to 1500hr. sure I remember it I do read it, but it does not mention the turbine could have refering to other part of the engine.
if you following the development of WS-10 year by year,first the problem was the fuel pump,then problem was gear box.and now it was turbine blade, (WS-10 uses DB-4 single cyrstal turbine french SNECMA may have provide some technical support)all in all WS10 is better engine than AL-31F, her achilles heel was turbine blade.
as one Chinese official (from dengsheng) admit "that were able to copy the entire AL-31F,except the turbine blade"

It does not mention turbine blade. But its your assumption that Turbine blade is not able to increase too? You don't expect the designer to breakdown and tells you how every single individual parts increase how much, right?

Definitely from 800hr to 1500 MTBO is the overall increase.. You seems to forget about the mention of Russian report from Janes that Chinese are doing so well , its a matter of time they will build aeronautic engine equal if not better than Russia..

The extensive used of WS-10A proves the engine works very well for the Chinese. From J-11B, J-11BS , J-15 and J-16 or even J-20 all are running WS-10A engine clearly tells you the engine is working very fine.


Banned Idiot
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translation" executive from 12th(?) radar institute based on Suzhou celebrating bidding war to supplied J-16 with AESA radar.
( 14th institue is base on Nanajing).
while the translation from the banner refer to "new type of radar".blogger claim the radar was AESA for J-16.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
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View attachment 6870
translation" executive from 12th(?) radar institute based on Suzhou celebrating bidding war to supplied J-16 with AESA radar.
( 14th institue is base on Nanajing).
while the translation from the banner refer to "new type of radar".blogger claim the radar was AESA for J-16.

No. The banner didn't translate to New Type of Radar. It translate to, "Welcome Back New Radar Program Bidding Warriors" which also meant to welcome those that represent the company to the bidding war for supplies of AESA radar. And the big banner right on the top (part of the wordings are not visible) said something of, "Celebrating the company's certain radar program bidding war... the rest of the words are not visible... I am guess the last few words would translate to victory or wins."
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