China Flanker Thread II

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Senior Member
I for one cannot believe that Mig-29 is still allowed to spew his nonsense on this board. I mean, seriously? Canard deflections increase RCS? Why the fudge would you deflect your canards unless the enemy can already see you?


If you knew even the most basic things about modern air combat, you would realize that firstly, the moves in that Raptor demo is worse than useless in a real dogfight (the American pilot's gleeful comments about just switching to guns and drilling away when they were talking about Indian MKIs pulling similar TVC tricks spring to mind throughout that demo), and that secondly, the Raptor was not demonstrating the agility of it's airframe with that routine - it was demonstrating the amazing TWR of it's engines.

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is said video.


Based on Dr Song's paper which suggested the use of TVC on the J20, it would seem that CAC at least is leaning towards the second reason, especially since they are still on best of terms with Russia and would be able to import TVC equipped Russian engines at a whim.

Actually, in the publicly available paper, Dr. Song never mentioned applying thrust vectoring to the J-20. The mentioning of thrust vectoring is used to lead the point that aerodynamic configuration is the most important. This is the only paragraph where thrust vectoring is mentioned:
Post stall maneuvers require the aircraft to have good controllability and stability. After the plane enters the post stall region, however, the decrease in stability and control efficiency of conventional rudder surfaces become irrecoverable. One must carefully design an aircraft to enable sustained controllability at high AOA. Although it is possible to solve the problem of post-stall controllability through the use of thrust vectoring nozzles, the aerodynamic configuration itself must provide enough pitch down control capability to guarantee the aircraft to safely recover from post-stall AOA should the thrust vectoring mechanism malfunction. As a result, it is vitally important to study unconventional aerodynamic control mechanisms for high AOA flights.

Perhaps it is due to the focus of that paper being on aerodynamics, but thrust vectoring was never considered as a mechanism to boost the performance of the aircraft in the paper.


Banned Idiot
back issue of air international ,USAF conducted mock dogfight between F-22 and F-15C,during the mock air combat, USAF discover aside from F-22 TVC allow the aircraft greater manuevility over F-15C,other tactical advantage was F-22's supercruise.
In one instant,One F-15's pilot simple unable get simulated gun killed against F-22 flying sypercruise.send a radio urging the F-22 hold steady so he can get a "gun kill"!!!!


Senior Member
back issue of air international ,USAF conducted mock dogfight between F-22 and F-15C,during the mock air combat, USAF discover aside from F-22 TVC allow the aircraft greater manuevility over F-15C,other tactical advantage was F-22's supercruise.
In one instant,One F-15's pilot simple unable get simulated gun killed against F-22 flying sypercruise.send a radio urging the F-22 hold steady so he can get a "gun kill"!!!!

TVC do not allow supercruise.. Greater thrust allows. And F-15C vs F-22?? Are you kidding me? F-15C even has a worse agility against Flanker. Not to mention against F-22. What are you trying to prove?


Look what you write is pure fantasy, to start let us see the

compare the wing loading of F-22 and Eurofighter what do you find?

yes you find that F-22 has higher wing loading, despite it has a huge wing actually has worse wing loading than Eurofighter.

I know in your fantasies you expect J-20 to be as light as Eurofighter but

how much does F-16 and F-35 weight at empty weight?

answer is simple F-16 weighs 9 tonnes, F-35 weighs 13 tonnes.

I know you think J-20 has similar numbers to Eurofighter, but not J-20 is at least 5.5 meters bigger than Eurofighter and at least it weighs 9 tonnes more at empty weight.

compare the Thrust to weight ratio of F-22 and Eurofighter what do you find?
well you find that F-22 is in the class of F-15, that actually Eurofighter has higher thrust to weight ratio.

So then why F-22 having the numbers of F-15 is much better than F-15 in maneouvrability, do you want to know the answer?

TVC nozzles and internal weapons bays, yes that is the answer, internal weapons bay that reduce drag and TVC nozzles increase turn rates.

I know you are thinking your self how come an Eurofighter can match a F-22 in agility, give it fight and in dogfights beat it.

the answer lies in two factors,

Eurofighter has in a very low wing loading configuration a wing loading of 330 kilograms square meters, while F-22 something in the range of 400kg over square meters.

Eurofighter supercruises, so in a light configuration has relatively low drag even carrying external stores and weapons.

So why J-20 can not compare to Eurofighter?

The answer lies in two factors thrust to weight ratio and cross section.

F-22 is heavier than F-15 at empty weight F-15 weighs 13 tonnes while F-22 19 tonnes.
F-35 weighs 13 tonnes F-16 9 tonnes

all stealth aircraft are heavier than the generation before due to larger cross sections.

Why? first they use S ducts this increases weight, second internal weapons bays increase volume and weight.

now, stealth shaping always increases drag yes i know you think J-20 is more aerodynamic than Eurofighter, but not Eurofighter has a bullet shaped forebody like Su-27 or any missile or ICBM.

However Eurofighter and Su-27 have a disadvantage external weapons increase drag too, So J-11 or Eurofighter increase drag a lot fully loaded.
That is the reason Su-30MKI has thrust vectoring

So answer to your statement does J-20 need TVC nozzles? answer yes it does.

Because the need to carry large weapons bays, add S ducts increases weight on J-20, plus its large faceted cross section increase drag.

So to answer you why Eurofighter can compete with F-22 in agility, the answer is at expense of weapons carriage, a light loaded Eurofighter can compete with F-22 in agility but only in a very light configuration otherwise it will not be able to compete.

However F-22 is not inferior to Eurofighter but that is thanks to TVC nozzles without it the F-22 is not better than F-16 or F-15, but with helmet mounted sights more or less both are even in dogfights.

As in all your previous post, you're wrong on so many counts with all your pseudo aerodynamics theory.

If T/W ratio and TVC is all the matters, why don't they put a more powerful engine and TVC on the F-15? It should then be able to beat all the whole range of modern fighters like the Typhoon, Rafale, Gripen in maneouvrebility and turn rates.

I don't like the way you simply accuse the people here of being in a fantasy, believing in myth and other such accusations - I think there're forum rules forbidding this sort of thing.
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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
get real here Jr. the canard is your primary pitch control, and you will be deflecting it to manuever your aircraft, and YES it will increase YOUR radar cross section when you do. Mr Mig makes some valid points, he also indulges in flights of fantasy as do several other members?
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Banned Idiot
As in all your previous post, you're wrong on so many counts with all your pseudo aerodynamics theory.

If T/W ratio and TVC is all the matters, why don't they put a more powerful engine and TVC on the F-15? It should then be able to beat all the whole range of modern fighters like the Typhoon, Rafale, Gripen in maneouvrebility and turn rates.

I don't like the way you simply accuse the people here of being in a fantasy, believing in myth and other such accusations - I think there're forum rules forbidding this sort of thing.

i am not wrong, simply because i have seen graphs of YF-22 with and without TVC nozzles and how it did compare with F-16 and F-15 in roll and pitch rate.

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this proves who is talking just for talking

I have also seen graphs of turn rate versus lift coefficient and how wing loading and thrust affect it, in fact i have seen equations that prove i am right

You just defend your self but where is the proof?
The effect of wing maximum lift coefficient is inverse to that of wing loading; that is, increasing the maximum lift coefficient acts in the same way as reducing the wing loading. For example, increasing the maximum lift coefficient from 0.7 to 1.4 would shift the curve for a wing loading of 100 pounds per square foot to the exact position as that occupied by the curve for a wing loading of 50 pounds per square foot and a maximum lift coefficient of 0.7. Two other important aircraft physical parameters may also limit turning performance. First, at a given speed and altitude, the aircraft drag increases rapidly with lift coefficient; as a consequence, the available thrust may not be sufficient to balance the drag at some load factors that the wing can sustain. In this case the aircraft loses altitude in the turn, an undesirable situation in combat. As for maximum lift coefficient, the drag rise with increasing lift depends upon the wing design and Mach number, as well as upon the added drag required to trim the aircraft at high lift coefficients. [/B]
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i challenge you provide a document TVC does not improve turn rate, thrust, range stealth.

You won`t find it

In fact all these resposes is just to avoid a reality, at this moment China has not thrust vectoring capable fighters.
Are they willing to design them? of course yes they will.

You can not understand things simple like that F-22 is highly dependant on TVC nozzles.

What you can not understand is simply Eurofighter was armed with HMS and F-22 has not HMS.

And yes HMS are equalizers if you do not have TVC nozzles.

and yes you are wrong, China knows TVC nozzles are enhancers

J-11s or J-20 with TVC nozzles will improve performance a great deal

but good thrust and low drag increases turn rate so eliminate external weapons and you add better turn rates
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Banned Idiot
Why the fudge would you deflect your canards unless the enemy can already see you?
One benefit obtainable from a control-canard is avoidance of pitch-up. An all-moving canard capable of a significant nose-down deflection will protect against pitch-up. Control canards have poor stealth characteristics, because they present large moving surfaces forward of the wing.
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F-22 test pilot Paul Metz:
"-All aircraft experience a loss of control effectiveness at supersonic speeds. To generate the same maneuver supersonically as subsonically, the controls must be deflected further. This, in turn, results in a big increase in supersonic trim drag and a subsequent loss in acceleration and turn performance-"

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can you understand now why Su-35 has now no canards and TVC nozzles to reduce tailplane deflection?

If China has no 117 equivalent the Su-35 can provide an engine for J-11B and J-20
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Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
If China has no 117 equivalent the Su-35 can provide an engine for J-11B and J-20

Er... no... I mean... 117 is a good engine, and yes, China might not have an equivalent engine as of now. But it would be pretty dumb for China to buy 35 to 40 Su-35 fighters just for their engine. If Russia would sell the engine just by itself, then maybe China would get those engine.

China did not buy the Su-35 (as of now) is in my opinion, they already have the J-11/ J-11B and soon the J-16, either way you look at it... be it inferior or weaker or whatever as compared to the Su-35 (on paper) China would not jeopadise their own domestic projects to have foreign system that cannot use the Chinese weaponries, it is as you can see, politically incorrect, and business wise it was pretty dumb.

Plus, the Chinese's own J-20 was so far within schedule and so by 2018, it should be certified for mass production, so the Su-35 doesn't really come in.

As for the Chinese homegrown engines namely the WS-15 or whatever, as of now, we are unclear of their status and do these engines has TVC or whatever.

Mr Mig 29, I am sure you are very very very proud of the Russian industry and that you have made excellent point both technically and with good references to it. But people here are not buying your ideas for various of reasons, from political to business to national pride... lets forget it and get on with the Chinese Flankers, instead of coming up with F-22 being superior, F-35, and Su-35 and whatever, it doesn't matter. As long as the Chinese didn't announce their intention to purchase or had purchased, all things are just hearsay (other than the technical aspect) and you can choose what you want to believe, while others can choose what they wanted to believe, and instead of making this place more heated up, please let things cool abit, okay?
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