China Flanker Thread II

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Banned Idiot
according to air international, the SU-30MKK exported to China is slightly down grade,particular her radar mode. and ECM.

Su-30MKK is not a downgraded version is a customized version, it is particularly funny the way Russia deals with China, if you see the J-11B Russia did indeed have discussed issues about Russian weapons built in China, in fact in 2010 at Airshow China 2010, Russia expressed her concerns about Su-33 and Su-35 and J-15

Военно-техническое сотрудничество России с иностранными государствами.
Международное военное сотрудничество
ЦАМТО, 16.11.2010
Вопрос об охране прав на интеллектуальную собственность является чрезвычайно важным для дальнейшего цивилизованного развития ВТС с Китаем, поскольку КНР незаконно копирует многие образцы российских вооружений. Не исключено также, что российская сторона акцентировала внимание на охране прав на интеллектуальную собственность в связи с переговорами о возможных поставках истребителей Су-33 и Су-35. Очевидно, что российская сторона в перспективе хочет застраховаться от тех прецедентов, которые имели место ранее (в частности, с копированием Су-27СК). Возможно также, что это связано с планами по дальнейшим поставкам Китаю российских систем ПВО.
В настоящее время Китай в сфере развития ВТС с Россией делает акцент на приобретение лицензий, технологий и совместную разработку экспортных образцов вооружений. Тем не менее, по ряду направлений возможны прямые закупки готовых вооружений.
В частности, не исключена возможность закупки Пекином истребителей палубного базирования Су-33 для перспективных авианосцев ВМС НОАК, если китайская копия J-15 не будет соответствовать требуемым характеристикам. Китай рассматривается также как потенциальный заказчик истребителей Су-35. В дальнесрочной
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However it seems either Russia has solved the issues with China or they simply know they won`t achieve any agreement but still are willing to sell their weapons
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Over Himalayas








Senior Member
China Must Give Up This Plane, In Order To Buy 48 Su-35's, Right, Mr. Mig-29?


I hope this plane comes with TVC engine. It will end all fight about Su-35 and Chinese flanker.. So what our J-11B fighter is inferior and no TVC? Becos we got J-31. Haha...


Banned Idiot
China Must Give Up This Plane, In Order To Buy 48 Su-35's, Right, Mr. Mig-29?

but who cares if this works well


With its passive radar, Cassidian is focussing on the requirements of civil and military airspace control which until now could not or not sufficiently be met using active emitting radar. In civil application, passive radar makes cost-effective air traffic control possible without any additional emissions and without making demands on transmission frequencies in short supply. In military applications, the system enables large-area surveillance using networked receivers, while offering the decisive operational advantage that passive radar cannot be located by hostile forces. The particular characteristics of the omnipresent radio signals used for operation enable detection of even objects that are difficult to detect, such as stealth aircraft or stealth ships. A further advantage of the new technology is its increased detection capacity in areas of radar shadow such as mountainous terrain and its capability to locate extremely slow and low flying objects.
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We are in 2012 technology has moved ahead everywhere


Remember this

Supercruise is the key of survival in modern jets, supercruise means more chances of survive and yes 117 is the key for supercruise, if China has a better engine yes you do not need 117, but if China has not a better engines yes Su-35 is a good buy just because of the engine
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Just Hatched
Registered Member
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I hope this plane comes with TVC engine. It will end all fight about Su-35 and Chinese flanker.. So what our J-11B fighter is inferior and no TVC? Becos we got J-31. Haha...

It is only a fight if the issue being fought is contentious, and there is nothing contentious about China having no desire to buy the Su-35 or how Su-35 is totally inferior to something like the J-20. We know WS-15 exists already, and that it is equivalent to F-119 while 117 is not. So whether J-11B can or cannot super cruise isn't going to make a bit of a difference.
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