read algebra linear it seems you flunk the subject
An airplane inflight has a velocity vector which defines its speed and direction of
flight. The capacity to change this vector is called maneuverability
In maneuvering, the forces of lift, weight, thrust, and drag are altered to generate
linear or radial accelerations. The radial acceleration causes a turn in the horizontal, in the
vertical, or in an oblique plane. Forces which cause a radial acceleration include: weight,
sideforce, lift, and thrust ( although thrust is easily included in the lift and sideforce terms ).
later we talk
and learn a fact
Total lift is expressed as the sum of aerodynamic lift and thrust lift.
L = CLq S + TG sin αj
I'm glad that you have finally taken my recommendation and look up terminologies that you do not understand. However, blindly copying definition of terminology does not make you an authority of the field. Rather, as you so desperately mine quotes to make it appears thrust vectoring enhances lift, you failed to realize the above equation has nothing to do with thrust vectoring. Variable αj in this particular equation is the alpha angle of the aircraft.
So, it seem that you have flunked Math and simple English, as evident by your misinterpretation of the meaning of "thrust lift". You need to go back to the basics as flight dynamics is a subject too complicate for you.
The only reason Europe has not fit the Eurofighter TVC nozzles is lack of money and political will
That is incorrect. If a military system has practical advantages, lack of money will not stop a country from acquiring it. For example, lack of money doesn't stop Britain from buying nuclear submarines and an aircraft carrier. When a system has little practical advantages, countries will not invest their money, and this is the case with TVN. Europe's action is mirrored by that of US and China.
and a fact
The concept of sustained maneuverability is used to describe the airplane’s ability to
maneuver at constant altitude without losing energy and without decelerating.
You are not telling me anything that I don't know already. To improve sustained turn performance, one could either increase T/W ratio or L/D ratio as according to the diagram below. T/W ratio can be increased by increasing engine thrust, or employing composite to reduce aircraft's weight. L/D ratio can be increased through redesigning the airframe.
In fact, the above methods are employed by Sukhoi in the design of Su-35. This is a significant effort but necessary. TVC engines does not add lift, thus employing TVC does not bring about significant advantages. This is why Russia doesn't simply stick TVC engines into existing Su-27.
Fig. 3.- Increased Sustained Turn Rate with TVNs
It is noteworthy to point out that the paper was authored by ITP, the company which is desperately trying to sale its TVN. It is no-brainer why they would claim TVN offer such advantages. That is not to say they have not performed studies, but studies like the above always ignore disadvantages such as weight penalty. The situation has much similarities to the heyday of variable-geometry wing, where everyone concerns with the advantages and nobody considers the implication of adding such a wing. In the end, such design proved to be impractical and abandoned. However, the lack of interest shown by European countries shows that TV practical advantages.
Study hard my friend do not flunck once more physics and linear algebra
China has not TVC nozzles at least not operational to my knowledge and no J-11B with TVC nozzles at least publicly
That goes to show that China also realizes TVN offers no practical advantages. This is similar to how European countries do not