I don't see China buying those any time soon... buying weapons primarily means you give your (tech) competitior another push on your expenses. You don't do it unless you must. And Su-35 is not a must for PLAAF now and today.
...unless, unless this SAC s***** up somewhere big time, again, and is looking for an easy way out.
On SAC: it should be sacked and broken down and sold to the highest bidder of the potential new entrants of the market ( say high IQ ZAC- Zhejiang or FUC - Fujian?) . SAC is dragging the leg of China's overall competitiveness as it shows no a shread of sign of innovations compared to CAC but only upgrading knockoff airframes of the 80's. China should let SAC die, but quickly.
The mood here would be totally different if what we are waiting for is not another "controvertial" Sukhoi flanker out of SAC's long and distinguished archive of knockoffs in coming September, but a breath of fresh air out of ZAC or FUC for instance, well, that depends on who is FUCing... nonetheless, SAC's, or ex-SAC's, campus on the other hand, is ideal for farming Siberian chickens on an industrial scale, IMO.