Banned Idiot
Reliability is the main concern at the moment. Talking about long on ideas can you explain why the wings of the Su47 is switched around, they look as if theyve been place backwards. I wonder what can be achieved by this?
3. I don't know what you mean by "leading edge" technology since China has already demonstrated leading edge technology like that ASAT trial.
If by "leading" edge you mean something the U.S. and Russia accomplished four decades ago. Granted, China does seem to be closer in the laser department.
Except what China did was much higher than anyone did (860km vs. 525km). Also what Russia did was co-orbital, the interceptor was in the same orbit as the target for a while, tailing it before destroying it. The debris from the Chinese ASAT test indicated that the target was hit head on.
Reliability is the main concern at the moment. Talking about long on ideas can you explain why the wings of the Su47 is switched around, they look as if theyve been place backwards. I wonder what can be achieved by this?
If by "leading" edge you mean something the U.S. and Russia accomplished four decades ago. Granted, China does seem to be closer in the laser department.
But I like the co-orbital method better. It offers the possibility of temporarily capturing the enemy satellite without damaging it. Allows for deescalating the crises.
US and Russia never accomplished a kinetic kill four decades age.
Only recently did US demonstrate kinetic kill ability with SM-3.
The US did demonstrate the ability to kill a satellite kinetically about 2 decades ago, apart from the recent satellite shoot down. The US's ASAT program, however, used a F-15 fighter aircraft as the missile launch platform as opposed to the China's ASAT test that was reported to have used a ground based missile.