Pure Western propaganda. There is one sentence about reducing medically unnecessary abortions in the whole document and it’s in the section about reproductive health education, improving women’s knowledge and access to contraception and letting men taking their share of responsibilities in contraception. Here’s is the relevant article.
“ 6.提高妇女生殖健康水平。普及生殖道感染、性传播疾病等疾病防控知识。在学校教育不同阶段以多种形式开展科学、实用的健康教育,促进学生掌握生殖健康知识,提高自我保护能力。增强男女两性性道德、性健康、性安全意识,倡导共担避孕责任。将生殖健康服务融入妇女健康管理全过程,保障妇女享有避孕节育知情自主选择权。落实基本避孕服务项目,加强产后和流产后避孕节育服务,提高服务可及性,预防非意愿妊娠。推进婚前医学检查、孕前优生健康检查、增补叶酸等婚前孕前保健服务更加公平可及。减少非医学需要的人工流产。加强对女性健康安全用品产品的质量保障。规范不孕不育症诊疗服务。规范人类辅助生殖技术应用。”
The context in China is a lot of men refuse to use condoms and instead pressure their girlfriends to go along with unprotected sex by telling them to get abortions if they become pregnant. And women were led by false advertisements to believe abortions to be easy and harmless. In the last data available, there were 9.6 million abortions and 17.1 million births in China in 2017. The latest data for the US was from 2018: 0.62 million abortions and 3.79 million births. Repeated abortions can have severe consequences for women’s reproductive health. Abortion is not an alternative to contraception.
Link to the document
This Western propaganda reminds of the recent propaganda about China introducing rent control. There was one sentence about keeping rent increases under 5% per year in a policy document on housing and it appears in the section on ensuring adequate supply of urban housing. So obviously it’s a benchmark. Yet Western propagandists cried ‘rent control’.