China demographics thread.


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Yeah it is from the superstition about dragon boy/girl. Probably will dip in year of the snake. Not many in China like snakes except for the Cantonese, and only then for culinary purpo
It's not dragon year but more so that people delayed getting married/having kids during COVID. but yes regardless of the cause the next year's number should crater.


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I like the optimism, sadly I think the bump was due to dragon year affect. Koreans believe in zodiac too.
The bump was also from a low base from 2023, If it even holds steady this year i would consider that a very good result


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If superstition make people breed harder then the government should really somehow use some superstitious practice to promote birthrate I guess. So far economic incentive (likely) failed. And we don't want to manufacture babies in lab yet.

A potato

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Not a big fan of this trend but what can you do. Chinese Catholics should demand equal representation, no formal diplomatic relations until a Chinese pope has been elected. Also check out the comments and quotes, China has become the last bastion of the "Trad West" :p
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Probrably just a christian delusion. Not to mention buddhist nationalism is very prominent in China with it being used to resist westernization and Christians in asia have a bad reputation because of history and Myanmar Christian CIA militias aswell as a christian seperatist state in India. If there is one thing we can agree with the Jai Hinds is that Christian Nationalism is a threat and dosen't belong in asia.


Registered Member

Not a big fan of this trend but what can you do. Chinese Catholics should demand equal representation, no formal diplomatic relations until a Chinese pope has been elected. Also check out the comments and quotes, China has become the last bastion of the "Trad West" :p
Just as Edgar Cayce predicted:

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Decades before the rest of the world was thinking about the enormous impact that China would have upon the global stage, Edgar Cayce predicted great things for China and its people. On one occasion, Cayce told a group of people that eventually China would become “the cradle of Christianity, as applied in the lives of men.”
— Edgar Cayce reading 3976-29

This suggests the personal application of spiritual principles would become paramount to the Chinese people. Cayce then went on to caution that it would take a long time to manifest but that it was the country’s destiny: “Yea, it is far off as man counts time, but only a day in the heart of God – for tomorrow China will awake.”

On another occasion, when a thirty-six-year-old book publisher asked about the destiny of China in 1943, just prior to his own trip to the country to serve in the capacity of a missionary, Cayce promised amazing changes in the country that would lead to more democracy and greater religious freedom. He also suggested that eventually the height of civilization would move from the West to the Chinese people: “And these will progress. For, civilization moves west.”
— Edgar Cayce reading 2834-3


Registered Member

Not a big fan of this trend but what can you do. Chinese Catholics should demand equal representation, no formal diplomatic relations until a Chinese pope has been elected. Also check out the comments and quotes, China has become the last bastion of the "Trad West" :p
It just means the western vatican has lost the mandate of heaven, and the true vatican has moved to China.

I was trying to think of something funny but couldn't, because what we're seeing today is the literal embodiment of "reality has a pro CPC bias" meme, where even the western right starts looking towards China as a source of inspiration.