Unfortunately it's not really possible as there are barely any Koreans or Japanese to use as a reservoir for population growth, and even if there were China is a different animal entirely. With 1.4 billion people, to get the same robust population growth as the US, you'd need 4.2 million annual immigrants. Nothing even close could come from Korea and Japan. And that's assuming Chinese fertility rates stay the same as American rates, instead of plummeting even further which is more likely. In that case you may be talking about as many as 8 million annual immigrants.
The only real way out of this fertility crisis is a Manhattan Project/Apollo Program equivalent in China but for baby-making. It is absolutely 100% possible. Israeli non-Haredi Jews have a TFR of 3.0! Note I said non-Haredi, so I'm excluding the ultra-religious element entirely. It didn't come down from 4 or 5 TFR or something either, it's been growing every year for the last two decades. China can absolutely do the same thing if it really tried.
There is no country in the history of mankind like China when it comes to mobilizing its population for a certain event or act. What it did for COVID, harmoniously getting 1.4 billion people to stay inside and follow all mandated protocols, and the people responding on cue and with such poise and symmetry, is unprecedented in Human history. It's never been done before.
And so when Western countries talk about how impossibly hard it is for nations to incentivize more births and so the case for China is hopeless, they are only projecting their own flaws nothing more. China can absolutely do it, all it takes is willpower, and it looks like fairly soon the government might be ramping up to do so.