China demographics thread.


We don't have enough time for your half measures that may or may not work. This is an emergency that must be resolved immediately.
We don't have time for your insane, stupid and completely unacceptable proposals tantamount to beheading someone over a headache or your fear mongering. China has 1.4 billion people. This is not an emergency. This is something to be considered after China overtakes the US and the West and we still have over 1 billion people. The time cushion is enormous.
Chinese nationalism means doing whatever is necessary to make China the top superpower in the world.
Which is why we can never adopt any measure to turn Chinese people into mindless white Jesus worshippers.
If the religion of my enemy needs to be adopted, there is no issue with that.
You are literally the only person who has no issue with that. Literally nobody else supports you. In real life, Chinese people strongly object. I don't think you are any Chinese nationalist. You are a Christian missionary and we don't buy your garbage.
So you think because Jews are religious and have a high fertility rate, they must be idiots?
Do you know Jews? The Jews with a high fertility rate are a huge drain on Israel's economy. All males of this class spend their entire lives living off of government assistance and only do religous study. Nonreligious Jews (or Jews who don't take religion seriously) have a much lower TRF rate which is dropping and these people are actually useful to their government.


You are factually incorrect. Even secular Jews have a fertility rate at 2, compared to China's fertility rate of 1.
How was I incorrect? Did I say they were lower than 2? No, I said they were on the decline, which is the same trend as China, just at a different timepoint.
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"At the start of the present decade, perhaps even a little earlier, the fertility rate among secular women declined from 2.11 – a tiny bit above the replacement level – to 1.98, which is below it."
In 2020, the total fertility rate among ultra-Orthodox women in Israel was 6.6, while the rate among Arab women was 3.0, and among secular women, it was 2.0

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Stupid people who do nothing but bible worship and pray breeding into a cesspool that needs to be supported by taxpayers and oil money. Thank goodness China will never be like them.


The ideal fertility rate for China is 2.
There is no such thing as an ideal fertility rate. Or at least it is not known because China's ideal population is uknown.
China's fertility rate is 1 and STILL DECLINING.
It is declining for secular Jews too. They have a higher cushion in fertility rate in that it is still almost 2, but we have a much much higher cushion in a population of 1.4B.

We can try things to see if they have some effect or we can wait to see if it gets better after the US is defeated/Taiwan is taken and victory euphoria sweeps China. We can afford it all because we have that huge cushion. But one thing we will never do is become a nation of religious fools.


If China's population shrinks, it will become much harder to defeat the US.
Not if the quality of the population rises faster, which is why China has never been stronger than today but today is not the peak population.
Another thing to note is that the most intelligent and educated Chinese have the lowest fertility rates. Over time, China's average IQ will decline, making the country weaker.
This is a global trend, not just a Chinese one. Restating the problem does not contribute to your solution, which is aggressively rejected by all. And if China adopted Christianity, average IQ will immediately decline, not just over time.

Question: How did you come to suggest China become Christian? Are you Christian and thought that you'd be like the MVP Christian of all time if you converted China? Do you actually believe in Jesus and the Bible or are you just suggesting that China use the religion to increase fertility? In the latter case, what about other religions? Muslims have higher fertility rate than Christians; would you be equally happy if China converted to Islam or Hinduism? I think all religion is stupid but if I had to pick, I'd go Islam, just because it would piss off the West. I would never want to be associated with the evil that Christians are responsible for today.
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Registered Member
Religion is the solution to everything. Make Christianity the state religion. You will see that all countries with higher birth rates are those with high religiosity. Side effect of religion is that science and technology improves because people have something besides money to motivate them. (i.e work in lower paying science jobs instead of useless finance jobs). Chinese people worship money instead of a God. Worshipping money (working long hours etc) is associated with sacrificing family. US has higher fertility rates than Europe because US is more religious.

lol. lmao even.


New Member
Proselytizing Christianity is something I'm familiar with as I had been at the receiving end many years ago. So much malarkey and I think it should be banned here as they are fanatics.
Do Chinese Christians even have a higher birth rate than non-Christians? The only people I see at my local church here in Nanjing are middle-aged and old people, and I very rarely see any kids.


Junior Member
Modern life, particularly social media exacerbates brain rot. It sells fantasies to people which creates unrealistic expectations of reality for sex and relationships. Men expect women to look like influencer models and they refuse to date normal women while women only want men who are rich and successful like they see on social media or don't act like the love interests in romantic fiction. It encourages people to cloister themselves in individual bubbles chasing frivolities instead of interacting with each other as a holistic community and it is only made worse by the high expectations for education and work performance.

Unfortunately, the very things that make Asian culture very successful are also their undoing as having a very strict and competitive society makes it hard for people to have kids and flourish. Add to the fact that Asian cities are densely populated and highly developed which are statistically the worst places for fertility and you have the makings of an ever-escalating crisis. When it comes to high fertility, what you want is to have a lot of stupid, poor people with lots of risks and danger (to create sexual tension and motivate coupling) which is precisely the opposite of what a successful society is. It's almost as if civilization itself is a natural bottleneck to population growth and advancement; kind of like how having a rat utopia created a behavioral sink in the population.

Ironically, Indians might end up having the last laugh. Not because their country is successful but because they're so backward and poorly managed. Timing is key, so while they might miss the globalization trend for manufacturing, they have huge opportunities in the service market as caretakers, convenience store employees, day laborers, and other low-level jobs in the US, Middle East, and Europe. While the rest of the world struggles with demographic declines and needs cheap labor, they will have a large young population with a replaceable fertility rate to export all around the world. This allows them to spread their genetic seed, cultural traditions, and social beliefs globally far better than China in 50 to 100 years.
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Registered Member
Modern life, particularly social media exacerbates brain rot. It sells fantasies to people which creates unrealistic expectations of reality for sex and relationships. Men expect women to look like influencer models and they refuse to date normal women while women only want men who are rich and successful like they see on social media or don't act like the love interests in romantic fiction. It encourages people to cloister themselves in individual bubbles chasing frivolities instead of interacting with each other as a holistic community and it is only made worse by the high expectations for education and work performance.

Unfortunately, the very things that make Asian culture very successful are also their undoing as having a very strict and competitive society makes it hard for people to have kids and flourish. Add to the fact that Asian cities are densely populated and highly developed which are statistically the worst places for fertility and you have the makings of an ever-escalating crisis. When it comes to high fertility, what you want is to have a lot of stupid, poor people with lots of risks and danger (to create sexual tension and motivate coupling) which is precisely the opposite of what a successful society is. It's almost as if civilization itself is a natural bottleneck to population growth and advancement; kind of like how having a rat utopia created a behavioral sink in the population.

Ironically, Indians might end up having the last laugh. Not because their country is successful but because they're so backward and poorly managed. Timing is key, so while they might miss the globalization trend for manufacturing, they have huge opportunities in the service market as caretakers, convenience store employees, day laborers, and other low-level jobs in the US, Middle East, and Europe. While the rest of the world struggles with demographic declines and needs cheap labor, they will have a large young population with a replaceable fertility rate to export all around the world. This allows them to spread their genetic seed, cultural traditions, and social beliefs globally far better than China in 50 to 100 years.
India is below replacement now and trends show it going the way of South Korea.

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If China's problem is getting old before getting rich, India's could be getting old while still poor.


Junior Member
Registered Member
1.29 before 2050 is still better than China today. India having a 30 years advantage in demographics is ultimately not what you want to see. Even if Indians are not as competent as Chinese, the sheer number of them around the world will bring consequences to China’s interests. Indians are already influencing politics in the UK and US. It’ll only get worse since they very much see China as an opponent to attack however possible.