Yes, I think this is very true. We have all been focused on the quality of life, improving resources and free time so people would have children but I think that is actually a minor consideration compared to cultural aspects. The human will is incredibly strong; if one truly wants something, one can, as the Chinese saying goes, scale bladed mountains and swim through oceans of fire to get what one wants. In other words, no matter how hard life is (and life is incredibly hard in some places of the world where the fertility rate is off the charts high), couples will have kids if they want kids. It was once China's culture to put the most value on having fat babies but now that value is on cars and apartments, luxury goods, expensive vacations... mind-rotting mentality adopted from the West.China needs to arrest this development before it gets this bad, and the most important cultural change is this extreme individualism imported from the West. All social media, educational institutions, local party organizations, etc. need to be mobilized against the single life-style that is being sold to young women and men right now.
So to this effect, I think the most critical action for the CCP would be, first, as the conventional wisdom goes, block out Western influence, and second, use media to instill the image of a happy large family back into the population. Make the masses understand that people are worth more than things, that the value of one's life is not measured by how many expensive things one consumed but in the legacy left behind, and the fertility rate will go back up.
This, however, can have the effect of slowing down Chinese national progress as people become more family-oriented and less career-oriented so the move might have to be timed vis a vis the competition with the US.