Could you elaborate? Is this is serious issue in Singapore?In terms of demographics, China should take note of the example in Singapore, of the folly of allowing indian nepotism to take root in the city state.
Could you elaborate? Is this is serious issue in Singapore?In terms of demographics, China should take note of the example in Singapore, of the folly of allowing indian nepotism to take root in the city state.
We'll see the results in a few decades in SingaporeCould you elaborate? Is this is serious issue in Singapore?
This is not true. We are not "the most superior race on earth." In the past, China was defeated by smaller nations like Britain and Japan and forced to endure more than a century of humiliation. That would not have happened if we were "the most superior race on earth." I was simply saying that China is a country of talented people that is currently lead by competent leaders.Arguing is a waste of time. People here are just way too political correct. Chinese are the most superior race on earth and India in their 4000 years of existence never done anything worthy of admire. They will never catchup. Hinduism is a curse, and Southeast Asia which are influenced heavily by Indian culture will remain poor for the same reason.
This is not true. We are not "the most superior race on earth." In the past, China was defeated by smaller nations like Britain and Japan and forced to endure more than a century of humiliation. That would not have happened if we were "the most superior race on earth." I was simply saying that China is a country of talented people that is currently lead by competent leaders.
On the other hand, I am glad that China was not influenced by India. I am not a religious man, but sometimes I find myself believing that God himself put the Himalayas there to shield our people from the influence of Hinduism. I have nothing but respect for the people for Pakistan. Pakistan is a civilized Muslim nation that has resisted Hinduism for so long. I hope that I can see that country become a great power one day.
Did you get that from Jai Hind wishcasters R us? know Buddhism is from India, right? Did you never read 西游记 as a kid?
Did you get that from Jai Hind wishcasters R us?
buddhism came from Nepal, siddartha gautama was from Nepal no matter how much the faeces connoisseurs would wish it otherwise.
No, I’m speaking out against the obvious fiction promulgated by Jai Hind Indian nationalists, which you were susceptible, that siddartha Gautama was Indian and Buddhism originated in India. Saying Buddhism is Indian is like saying Judaism is European when it originated from the Middle East no matter its promotion in its rabbinic form by ethnic Russians and Khazars, except in the case of Indian nationalists, the attempt is to steal glory rather than patiently waiting to die and reincarnate into something better.Siddhartha Gautama was from Nepal. The man who became the Buddha is not the same as the entire religion of Buddhism. He spent his life as a wandering monk, and centuries after his death that his teachings spread to become a common religion. In India. Bodh Gaya, for example, is the place where he became enlightened.
You're an idiot to let modern narratives blind you to the facts of history. All of this happened thousands of years before Jai Hind nonsense.
No, I’m speaking out against the obvious fiction promulgated by Jai Hind Indian nationalists, which you were susceptible, that siddartha Gautama was Indian and Buddhism originated in India. Saying Buddhism is Indian is like saying Judaism is European when it originated from the Middle East no matter its promotion in its rabbinic form by ethnic Russians and Khazars, except in the case of Indian nationalists, the attempt is to steal glory rather than patiently waiting to die and reincarnate into something better.
No, let's not be complacent to the sheer fact of indian nepotism and indian dependance on anglo and zionist patronage; being merely competant to not cause a total F up is not the kind of thing i'd expect of one to be promoted to manager, but that's just my Chinese upbringing which demands excellence to be considered for promotion. There's a reason Cisco and Oracle have been hit by lawsuits for discrimination and nepotism in favour of indians- your math olympiads are populated entirely by east Asians of the Sinic variety rather than those of the subcontinent, never mind the fabled tales of indian mathematicians - which i believe is more a pandering to the anglo notion of 'the noble savage' than reality.
In terms of demographics, China should take note of the example in Singapore, of the folly of allowing indian nepotism to take root in the city state.
From know Buddhism is from India, right? Did you never read 西游记 as a kid?