Weren't those other 4 organizations folded into the coast guard ? If you do a calculation on those numbers then China's civilian maritime force consist of 1362 boats and ships of all sizes and 163 of them are over 1000 tons.
From what I can gather China's coast guard has 20 ships over 3000 tons and with those 4 Type 818's coming makes it 24.
Beside those 4 Type 818's are there anymore large ships in the pipeline for the Chinese coast guard ?
Does anyone know what the role of the Chinese coast guard will be in times of war ?
Hard to say for China, but.US Navy larger Coast Guard cutters are outfitted with comms, defensive systems, and certain accommodations (space) for potential weapons systems in times of war to perform escort duties and ASW patrols during war time.
This would be the Legend Class (National Security) cutters which displace 4,500 tons, are 418 feet long, of which six have been built and nine are planned.
This will also hold true for the Offshore Patrol Cutters which will be about 3,000 tons, 270 feet long, and of which 25 are planned.
The smaller, 360 ton Sentinel Class (Or Fast Response) Cutters could be used for various near shore patrol and port security duties. 18 of those have been built and 58 are planned.
Legend Class Cutter - National Security Cutter, 4,500 tons (6 of 9 built)
US Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter, 3,000 tons (25 to build)
Sentinel Class - Fast Response Cutter, 360 tons (18 of 58 built)
The larger cutters already exercise regularly with the US Navy and the Navies of our allies: