China Ballistic Missiles and Nuclear Arms Thread

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Quick summary:
China has 4 GEOs, a smaller one with a sub-satellite in GEO and 1 in HEO.
U.S. has 6 GEOs and 4 HEOs, GEO series has been finished and no idea on whether there will be more HEOs.
Russia has 5 HEOs.
Which one is that?


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Chinese numbers likely to increase in near future ?
Definitely, China needs more HEOs over the northern hemisphere at least 3 more
Which one is that?
TSJ-3 and its sub-satellite, there were quite lot of discussions back then. It is still open to debate whether it really is a early warning satellite or not.
Personally I count TSJ-2,5,6,7 as confirmed GEO EW satellites and TSJ-3 as TBC.
Note all of confirmed GEO EWs were launched by CZ-3B and TSJ-3 was launched by CZ-3C, indicating a smaller weight of TSJ-3.


TSJ-3 and its sub-satellite, there were quite lot of discussions back then. It is still open to debate whether it really is a early warning satellite or not.
Based on its activities TJS-3 certainly not an EW sat.
Personally I count TSJ-2,5,6,7 as confirmed GEO EW satellites and TSJ-3 as TBC.
Note all of confirmed GEO EWs were launched by CZ-3B and TSJ-3 was launched by CZ-3C, indicating a smaller weight of TSJ-3.
Yes, TSJ-2,5,6,7 are the GEO EW sats and Shiyan-10 is rumored to be the experimental HEO EW sat


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Forty years ago today, China successfully conducted its first underwater launch test of the JL-1 SLBM.

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