I will try to explain to you.
In nature, there are two isotopes of uranium, U-235 and U-238. The latter is by far the most common: it represents 99.3% of all uranium on Earth. The problem, so to speak, is that it is not good for making an atomic bomb. The material that really matters is U-235, which corresponds to only 0.7%, in short, in 1 kg of uranium there are only 7 g of U-235. Very little. And to complicate matters, it comes mixed with bad uranium. If you want to make a bomb, you have to separate the good uranium from the bad uranium - in a process called "enrichment".
It's like separating beans. You play a lot at the table. Almost all are black, but there is always one or one or two whites. It is the latter that you need to manufacture the atomic bomb.
First, the uranium is turned into gas and placed in a centrifuge. As the centrifuge spins, it separates the lighter U-235 from the heavier U-238. This process is repeated many times and generates an increasingly concentrated material, that is, with a higher content of U-235. If you want uranium to power a nuclear power plant, just raise the amount from 0.7% to 3%. As for making a bomb, the concentration has to be huge: at least 90% U-235. This requires high technology, and is subject to several problems.
In 2010, the Stuxnet computer virus (allegedly created by the US or Israel) infected Iran's centrifuges and made them spin too fast, until they burned, which stunted uranium production and made them spin too fast, until they burned. that hampered uranium production and delayed the country's nuclear program.
View the image showing the uranium enrichment process:
View attachment 82681
Below, the description of each step of the image above:
1 - Uranium is a relatively abundant metal – the Earth contains 40 times more uranium than silver. Most of the world's production (36%) comes from Kazakhstan, but material can also be obtained in 18 other countries.
2 - The extracted material is ground and mixed with chemical substances that isolate the uranium from the rest.
3 - But 99% of the uranium is of the U-238 type, which is not suitable for the construction of an atomic bomb. It needs to be separated from the uranium that matters: U-235.
4 - This separation that we call uranium enrichment needs to be carried out. The first step is to mix the metal with hydrofluoric acid (HF). This will trigger chemical reactions that will transform the uranium into a gas: uranium hexafluoride.
5 - This gas is placed inside a special centrifuge that spins very quickly, at 100,000 RPM (6.6 times more than an F-1 engine). With the rotation, the heavier U-238 atoms go to the corners of the centrifuge. The lighter U-235 sits in the middle – and can be extracted. The gas from the center is withdrawn and placed in another centrifuge. The process is repeated thousands of times, until it results in a concentrated gas with 90% U-235.
6 - Mix this gas with calcium. This will return the uranium to a solid state.
7 - Cut the uranium into two pieces. They will be installed inside the bomb – and will make it explode.
It is possible, however, to obtain another nuclear explosive from that enrichment exposed above, which is plutonium. Plutonium, the second material used in the atomic bomb, is also derived from uranium: it forms in the spent fuel elements (burning up of nuclear fuel) in nuclear reactors. Its extraction takes place in complex and expensive reprocessing stations.
Plutonium is formed by a transformation of U-238 - which is explosively inert - into Pu-239. This transformation occurs in a nuclear reactor: placing a jacket of natural uranium around a nuclear reactor, it gradually absorbs neutrons and turns into plutonium. In this way it is possible to obtain several kilograms of plutonium per year, using a small reactor.
Once 80% enriched uranium or plutonium is obtained, it is now possible to build an atomic bomb.
The uranium or plutonium is assembled in the form of a hollow sphere inside which a source of neutrons (initiator) is placed. The uranium sphere is surrounded by another hollow beryllium sphere which is a good neutron "reflector" if it returns to the center neutrons originated in the "initiator" that managed to escape. In turn, this reflector is covered by symmetrically arranged charges of common explosive (TNT), which can be triggered by detonators powered by an electric current. The TNT is arranged so that its detonation directs the explosive force towards the center, crushing the uranium or plutonium sphere; when this occurs, it undergoes the chain reaction described above, in a "nuclear explosion".
As plutonium is generated within the fuel of nuclear reactors, it also fissions, helping the uranium to produce energy.
Between 7 and 8 kilograms per ton of unburned plutonium remain in spent fuel. This plutonium, recovered in reprocessing, can be used to replace U-235 in nuclear fuel, making pellets of uranium oxide and plutonium oxide (MOX fuel) mixed together. MOX fuel can replace enriched uranium in light water nuclear reactors.
With 5 or 6 kg of plutonium it is possible to make a bomb of explosive power equivalent to 10,000 tons of TNT, capable of destroying an entire city. This is what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The easiest way to obtain a nuclear weapon is to produce plutonium, some experts claim that the North Koreans build their nuclear weapons with this process.
The North Koreans could make the bomb the easy way, using the chemical element Pu-239 instead of U-235.
The basic idea of nuclear energy is to be able to create a "chain reaction" between the nuclei of atoms of certain chemical elements (that's why it is called "nuclear"). This energy can be released gradually, in a nuclear reactor; or violently and instantly, in the case of the bomb.
The most common uranium in nature, U-238, is not suitable for the bomb. The solution is to "enrich" the mixture by increasing the proportion of U-235.
To make the bomb even faster, you can convert U-238 into plutonium. This is done with the help of a nuclear reactor.
Neutrons emitted by the reactor are used to "bomb" atoms of U-238. The atom captures a particle for its nucleus, which transforms into unstable U-239, then neptunium-239(Np-239), and finally plutonium-239(Pu-239).
If there is no inspection, nuclear fuel from a power plant can be converted in this way into the raw material for the nuclear bomb.
Unless there are inspectors at the nuclear plants, there is no way of knowing whether Pu-239 is being made.