Lieutenant General
I don't advocate using tactical nuclear weapons in the way you described. The entirety of my position can be summed up in one word: symmetry. If America attacks China with tactical nuclear weapons, China attacks America (as in the American homeland) with tactical nuclear weapons. I've even advocated attacking the US homeland with tactical nuclear weapons in response to conventional strikes on the Chinese homeland. America attacks a Chinese shipyard, China deletes an American shipyard.
Also, the problem with the USSR wasn't that it was sought to match American capabilities, the problem was that it had a crippled economy.
I don't see how China improving its tactical nukes can weaken its position - building up capabilities can never weaken a position, that's just a matter of logic. At worst it's a complete waste. I will never be convinced that China having rungs missing on its escalation ladder is a net positive.
When it comes to nukes, the only appropriate response is massively disproportionate overreaction. Symmetry be fucked.
This is how the US ensures no one targets CONUS with nukes, even tactical ones, and that should also be China’s policy to delete any American neocon delusions about tactical nukes being an option.
The first step the US will take on the nuclear escalation ladder would be an at sea use, targeting Chinese naval forces and/or its SCS island bases. If it does that, China’s response need to be grossly and excessively disproportionate in both scale and scope and burn the Americans and their vassals so badly that there can be zero room for doubt that any nuclear strike on Chinese soil, which includes Taiwan, will equal MAD. Otherwise the next tactical nuke is going to land on the PLA beachhead on Taiwan.
The problem is that America has the same disproportionate response policy with regards to any nuclear strike on CONUS, so all the fantasies about tactical nukes deleting things like LockMart, Baths shipyards or other CONUS targets is just that. As soon as the first mushroom cloud goes up anywhere on CONUS, we are on an express train to MAD.
That is why the best and only way to put a hard stop to nuclear escalation once America used its first tactical nuke is to use strategic ones to delete a major island. Maybe also pine gap since the Australians are so keen to play at the top table.
Anything else will see ever more tactical nuke strikes from the US until both sides are too invested to back down and then it’s MAD.