China Ballistic Missiles and Nuclear Arms Thread

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Richard Santos

Registered Member
Road mobile ICBM force, if efficiently employed according to an effective doctrine, would be difficult to eliminate with ballistic missiles. If a power seeks to take large portion of them out with a first strike, it’s likely approach would involve stealth bombers and persistent stealth drones. In fact that was the cold war role originally envisaged for the B2.

Here the key isn’t so much stealth bombers


Junior Member
Registered Member
Not necessary. It would simply be a stupid waste of resources. China don't really have liabilities like key allies (in hostile geopolitical situation) or oversea bases that needs nuclear umbrella protection. What's the point of a nuclear arms race with the USA, when China could simply invest in much more important stuff like infrastructure, education, research, conventional military forces, etc.

As long as there is the Russia nuclear arms existing to balance the USA, there are no point for China to have more than 1000 nuclear warheads. As long as China has the necessary effective nuclear deterrence, China would be fine. As long as China has enough missile armed with warheads that will land in the US or Russia, it will be enough.

If US nuked China's nuclear forces, and took out incoming Chinese missiles, China would simply nuke Russia. and Russia will nuke the rest of the world. Russian nuclear forces is already strategically neutralizing the US nuclear advantage.

As long as China has enough nuclear second strike capability to high major centers in either US or Russia, the deterrence is enough.
You don't outsource something existential like that to anyone, not even Russia. You need to be able to control your destiny. Especially when you are an up and coming world superpower like China and not some small middle power down under.


Lieutenant General
I don't know if this is case already but China should be able to nuke US allies even though they don't have nukes if the US uses nukes on China. Why do I say this? Because South Koreans act like their innocent little children that has done nothing to China when they host US bases that are there to attack China if need be. So when they go along, they are helping the US undermine China. So China does need more nukes because the US has a lot of allies that would help them to knock out.


Junior Member
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I don't know if this is case already but China should be able to nuke US allies even though they don't have nukes if the US uses nukes on China. Why do I say this? Because South Koreans act like their innocent little children that has done nothing to China when they host US bases that are there to attack China if need be. So when they go along, they are helping the US undermine China. So China does need more nukes because the US has a lot of allies that would help them to knock out.
I guess we are in total agreement on this point.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Yes. But firstly, China need to have credible assets before they can actually do that. Otherwise it's only going to escalate and inflame the situations to China detrimental.

Big mouth Khruschev fooled the Kennedy administration into thinking that there was a missile gap for half a decade. Strategic deterrence is like poker, you don't need to hold the best cards to bluff.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Yes. But if you choose to bluff, you better be prepared to have your bluff called.

When the bluff is called the human civilization as we know it may not exist because everyone will join in the "fun". Russians, French, and Brits are not gonna wait and find out if they are targeted if China and the U.S. engage in MAD. Even if the Chinese nuclear arsenal can't call the "bluff", you can be assured that the Russian one can.


Junior Member
Registered Member
When the bluff is called the human civilization as we know it may not exist because everyone will join in the "fun". Russians, French, and Brits are not gonna wait and find out if they are targeted if China and the U.S. engage in MAD. Even if the Chinese nuclear arsenal can't call the "bluff", you can be assured that the Russian one can.
Well, if i were the Chinese, i wouldn't want to put the fate of my country on hoping that the other nuclear-power countries not wanting to miss the "fun". I want to actually have the control of the fate of my country when it comes to the nuclear exchange.
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