1) and 2) I've literally made entire posts addressing people who think that the Chinese deterrent is not survivable, or that the American BMD system is in fact at all effective. I've also said that if the American BMD system does improve any more, it would absolutely be grounds for a stockpile increase. This would be the same in the case that the US becomes able to track a vast amount of mobile TELs. So far, neither of these things have happened.
As for your position that after being nuked by China, America would recover: It would not, because it has lost the vast majority of it's economy for good. America will never be relevant again after it is nuked. Not only did it nuke it's largest trading partner and most of it's supply lines, but in response, it has also lost the drivers of economic growth, the cities, as well as vast amounts of infrastructure. I don't know why you brought up the Nevada test site, try and use your brain a bit. Your estimates for the amount of the US population lost are very off, by the way. During the Cold War, it was estimated that 40 nukes would kill around 20 percent of the US population, this was actually part of the reason why the US switched from counter-value to counter-force. Nowadays, urbanization has probably pushed that number up ten or so percent, if not more. China's nukes can likely do much more than this.
3) I have never, not once, portrayed China as "evil". My argument is that China's policy of minimum deterrence keeps China mostly out of arms races. If the US tries to initiate an arms race, China will simply not participate with a minimum deterrence policy, until it reaches the point where China's ability to deter is eroded, at which point the minimum deterrence policy will still keep China's wasted resources far lower then the US. This is basically the only way to "win" an arms race, to not participate.
4) I have never stated getting more nukes would bankrupt China, so this is a non-starter. I have only stated that an ARMS RACE could, and even then I have stated that China's economy could likely survive. The problem is the opportunity cost, always has been.
Please stop making up strawmen and attributing them to me. This is very tiresome. Also, please stop resorting to calling me a China-hater, simply because I don't agree with you. I am in fact Chinese, and have probably far more stake in this than most of you people.
From that essay above. Basically you have already acknowledged everything me and others have been arguing about. That China urgently needs to vastly expand its nuclear arsenal according to threat of its nuclear enemies. So why continue arguing with everyone here who don't agree with you? Not only that, why do continue to bring up your ridiculous argument about why China must retain a puny nuclear arsenal, or go bankrupt trying to expand it?
The way you talk makes me feel like I'm talking to an economy-only person, with limited appreciation for hard science and military history. You like to talk about economy, trade partner, opportunity costs, etc. Yet you failed to grasp the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction, and the history of war.
You say that America will kill off its largest trading partner and would never be relevant again. Have you ever considered that when America reaches to the point of pushing the button, all bets are off about the economy? Have you ever listened to any of our arguments against your dumb economic-focused point? Its not about the economy, stupid. We are talking about the use of pure genocidal power at the US's disposal to rid of its no.1 economic competitor once and for all. Why? Because at a point when China cannot be stopped from overtaking America, the US probably deduces, that it nuking China is well worth it. Hell we don't even need nukes to stop trade between China and the US, and screw the world's economy. Conventional war can do this job just as fine!
So in a nuclear war, China receives thousands of American and NATO nukes, while USA receives 300 Chinese nukes max. That's not MAD! Everyone is a loser, yes. But guess who recovers better in a post nuclear-war world? China's destruction is assured, but USA's destruction is partial. Anyone with a brain knows that America as we know it will never be the same. But so is the world. China is gone, and the rest of the world is also gonna go bankrupt anyway because of that. Thus, in absolute terms, the US rules supreme in this new bankrupt world. What is it that is so hard to understand?
You wanna argue that just 40 nukes can kill off 20% of the US population based on a phony US cold war study? Its extremely dubious data. Have you forgotten about mitigating factors like: nuclear shelters, BMDs, misses, failed detonations, terrain, etc? Obviously, the party that launches the first strike is probably gonna warn its population to get to their nuclear shelters ahead of time. Have you also conveniently ignored other much more updated scientific studies about actual casualty rates from nuclear war? But that's not the point anyway. Lets look closer at your stupid logic. If just 40 Chinese nukes can kill 20%-30% of the US population. Imagine what can 1000s of nukes from the US and friends could kill in China! How noble of China, to partially kill the US population, for the good deed of the US killing its entire population several times over.
I don't know why you brought up the Nevada test site, try and use your brain a bit. Your estimates for the amount of the US population lost are very off, by the way.
What kind of a dumb statement is that? You didn't even use your brain about why I brought up the Nevada Test site. I didn't estimate human casualties from nuclear tests. Because nuclear tests is not nuclear war! Duh! I did that just to put into perspective, how limited in scale nuclear weapons are relative to the Earth. 900+ nuclear weapons detonation in Nevada, USA didn't result in Armageddon. The point is that nuclear destruction and fallout is relatively localized in the real world. So a post-nuclear war world is pretty much livable in areas relatively untouched by nukes. Like the USA after receiving all 300 Chinese nukes?
All these stupid arguments you make and insult people for, just to prove your point. Why? Do you think you're smarter than the rest of us? Because you're not! You can't even get your facts straight on something as simple as a DF-41 MIRV capacity, which is publicly available anyway. You clown!
You better start growing up. When you insult people's intelligence in this forum. Is it any surprise that people start attacking you? When people don't agree with you, you start insulting, name calling, using profanity, and say that they are beneath your 'superior' intelligence. Do you think that just because you say you're 'Chinese', that you can get away with that kind off arrogance and stupidity? What you are advocating for China today, is the same mistake that had historically brought upon its Century of Humiliation. Which is: underestimating the threat of very powerful imperialist nations. Simply because China's economy is doing just fine? Always the economy over the actual future survival of the nation! How does that make you a better Chinese? Anyway, since you like to question us on who is more 'Chinese'. I'm starting to wonder, are you really Chinese?
Fortunately the Chinese government is not taking any of your nonsense. They have already hinted publicly that they are going to expand China's nuclear arsenal beyond 300 warheads. So, China is definitely expanding its nuclear arsenal as we speak. All thanks to the belligerence of the USA. How's that for a snub to your dumb arguments?