Lieutenant General
People who say America is trying to create a perception of China being weaker by lowballing the # of nuclear warheads China has clearly don't know much about America. If anything they do the exact opposite, trying to hype things up to be more threatening than they are. They do it with China, they did it with the Soviet Union, even with middling powers like Iraq and now Iran.
If they say China has under 400 nukes, it's because they actually THINK so. Whether it is true or not, we do not know, and we certainly don't know if the American intelligence agencies have the ability to figure it out. It seems unlikely that they do, but not impossible.
Well because nobody know. And the proponent of low balling is not US government but FAS people like Jeffrey Lewis and Hans Kristensen They do have motive since they are pushing for nuclear disarmament and Having China with 1000 nuclear bomb is not going to advance their cause . A lot of DOD Study are actually compilation of publicly available material on Chinese stockpile And most of them are generated by the like of FAS DOD has their own study for the eyes only not available for wider public So we never know what their actual thinking