SLBM´s need the "expensive equipment" because unlike land-based ICBM´s, they are launched from submarines which are always in the move and that complicates things (i imagine being submerse doesnt help). Also, doing so probably would add adicional weight to the ICBM´s which would degrade their performance.
I also have little knowledge of this, but i assume that russian mobile ICBM systems dont reload in the field. This is a procedure that should only happen in a factory or some kind of special instalation. In the event of a nuclear war, i dont think that they would have the time to reload the TEL. However, sometimes missiles are launched (for testing, exercices) or for some reason have to be replaced, and obviously its expensive to build a TEL just for one missile, if it can be avoided.
I have found no evidence, but i assume that to place/replace the canister, the russians should use some kind of conveyor. Using a crane requires creating a thicker canister because of the tension that lifting a canister creates on its integrity, and that aditional weight diminishes the performance of the truck.
We can only believe what we see. There should be posters here that know more about this than me, but i would guess that because china doesnt have the vast, unocupied (and closer to the US) territory that russia has, they reportedly use tunnel networks to compensate. In that scenario, perhabs the TEL performance doesnt matter as much and they really dont go out there to launch but instead rely on tunnel entrances to launch (those are obviously pre-positioned launch sites). But this is what i assume.