Of course, we are not really talking about a single carrier either. In a full war scenario, there will be 6+ carrier strike groups, dozens of submarines, hundreds of UAVs probing China's defenses for a weakness, with thousands of aircraft and missiles in reserve waiting to pounce. This will be first and foremost a clash of networks. The network which is able to gather more information, of better quality, process and act upon it quicker will have the initiative. I fear that China is not ready yet for such an uber fast-paced multi-theater conflict. The US has been developing and debugging its network-centric operations since the early 90s through actual wars, while China was only running simulations throughout that period.
Again, a LockMart illustration of network-centric warfare against BM saturation attacks:
The SM-3 missile sure is a marvel of engineering. 4 stage rocket, 2500km range, pin-point accuracy. No wonder it costs almost $20M per unit:
Did they use same kind of graphics and wowiee descriptions such as network -centric and overlapping defenses etc etc etc to sell to the Saudis how wonderful and absolute their Patriot and Aegis systems will bring down anything but everything KSA enemies be flying against them?