Lieutenant General
PLA Rocket Army deploying DF-5B Silos of certain brigades. Rare image of DF5B

Still using CRT monitors? the control room looks antique
Wow! It's fantastic advancement that have not been seen before by me and many others. My salutes! May this deterrent and other weaponries act as "active defences", BUT also ensure PEACE in the Region and globally. After all there is only one Earth we live in, for the benefit of all, regardless of nationalities, race, religions and political beliefs.PLA Rocket Army deploying DF-5B Silos of certain brigades. Rare image of DF5B
Still using CRT monitors? the control room looks antique
...or if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
DF-5B only carry nuclear, nothing else ... in fact all Chinese ICBM and IRBM only carry nukes