China Ballistic Missiles and Nuclear Arms Thread

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Lieutenant General
pirated copies of foreign fighter???????
It shows how good the writer is .... enough said

Also it is likely China has already better AShBM than DF-26

Yeah, I literally rolled my eyes when I read that part.

I also raised an eyebrow when it claimed the CJ10/DF10 was supersonic. If it is, that's news to me.

However, the point was never about what that idiot writer thinks, but rather the direct quote he was passing on, which had some merit.


A few more photos of the 'carrier-killers':



New Member
when people mention the announcer who said df-26 can also be used against the ships - what wording, PRECISELY, was used? And more importantly, which announcer is that? A person who did a live reading over the speaker system there at the tiananmen square? Or a TV commentator on CCTV?

It was about as credible as the headline of People’s Daily, or Soviet era Pravda. In other words, as credible as if it came out of Xi’s own mouth.

In contrast to its English channels, when reporting events of highest political significance CCTV 1 does not use ‘commentators’. The script is read by an almost mechanical voice with no signs of human emotion. It is apparently machined to every character and sanctioned by the CCP publicity department.

It’s a familiar sight for anyone who has lived in China recently; the head bulletin in everyday’s Xinwen Lianbo is of the same nature. If any part of the announcement turns out to be incorrect, it must be deliberate misinformation.


Suppose you overcome all the challenges and difficulties associated with an ICBM AShBM, what do yon imagine the Americans will think when they detect an Chinese ICBM (or more likely many if you are going ship hunting with conventional warheads) coming their way, with projected points of impacts along the US west coast?

Somehow I doubt they will wait until the missiles hit before formulating and executing their response, and suddenly you had an inadvertent full scale nuclear war on your hands.

It would seem that since cold war US/Russia had switched from a policy of launch on warning to a policy of launch on impact because of false positives.


A short look at why the ~200-warhead estimate of China's nuclear arsenal may be a bit understated, using some figures from the recent parade:

12 X DF-31A @ 3 MIRVed warheads each = 36
4 X DF-5B @ 3 MIRVed warheads each (which is in my opinion a very conservative estimate) = 12
4 X Type 094 X 12 JL-2 @ 3 MIRVed warheads each (again, a conservative estimate) = 144

144 + 36 + 12 = 202 warheads

The above calculation does not take into account the missiles that were not in the parade (i.e. the other DF-5A/Bs and DF-31As, DF-4s, and DF-21Cs), nuclear physics packages for cruise missiles, bombs, or warheads in storage.

I understand that this is a very crude way to estimate what would be very closely-guarded information, but its purpose is to illustrate the ridiculousness of some "analyses" of the size of the Chinese nuclear arsenal.


Junior Member
For people who wonder if China ever tested DF-21D/26 against sea targets before or just land based stationary targets only, the answer is in this paragraph from the article here.

The important part: North Sea Fleet deputy commander General Liu GengQun who worked for many years at the frontline ships at leadership position, and often as commander to perform various important tasks such as implementation of the nuclear submarine test trials, Liaoning ship sea trials test flight, land-based mobile strategic missile against sea traget launch and Navy strategic nuclear missiles underwater launch tests and other major tasks.

中新社北京9月3日电 (应妮 黄亮)纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年阅兵式3日在北京天安门广场举行。反舰导弹方队由北海舰队某基地官兵组建而成。



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(article posted by lyman2003 of CD)
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