For people who wonder if China ever tested DF-21D/26 against sea targets before or just land based stationary targets only, the answer is in this paragraph from the article here.
The important part: North Sea Fleet deputy commander General Liu GengQun who worked for many years at the frontline ships at leadership position, and often as commander to perform various important tasks such as implementation of the nuclear submarine test trials, Liaoning ship sea trials test flight,
land-based mobile strategic missile against sea traget launch and Navy strategic nuclear missiles underwater launch tests and other major tasks.
中新社北京9月3日电 (应妮 黄亮)纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年阅兵式3日在北京天安门广场举行。反舰导弹方队由北海舰队某基地官兵组建而成。
(article posted by lyman2003 of CD)