And those 3 that you speak of, they have very little actual similarity between them (maybe not the Miao, because depends on the Qing period, they might be in rebellion with the government), but they still share one thing, they considers themselves to be part of the Chinese civilization, and to that extend, they do share some common values systems that they hold together, such as Confucianism, Concept of mandate of heaven, what is Chinese and what is not etc... it is very possible they don't see themselves as modern Chinese see themselves as the Chinese identity today, which includes nationalism in the modern sense, but they already do share this a far greater identity already.
What I'm trying to say is, even if you see them the old Chinese system as extremely backward, but to me, they are extremely advanced, even more advanced than today's culture identity. Because in today's self identity, you are still very much divided by language, by race, by birth location etc.. But not the old Chinese identity, because don't you think it is absolutely amazing for people that speaks totally different language, who lives half of world apart still consider themselves to share a common bond? I think in the far future, this is the identity that all human will have someday, that the identity of being human instead of identity of being part of a nation, or part of a city state, or part of a town, or tribe, and we will not be identified/divided by the language or birth location barrier. Sure the regional identity will always exist, but they will exist to the extend that I think I am a Californian, but I hold my identity of being part USA much more important, this will be similar, in the end the most importance emphasis in the future will be placed upon the common bond that we all share as being part of the human race.
To that extend the old Chinese civilization is extremely close to this concept, and this is done with thousands of years of being relatively homogeneous as part of a centralized government throughout history.
Like you said, the Miao probably did not consider herself to be "Chinese". Yet you say that these 3 people all share a common bond. Can you point out what that bond is?