What really scares me is the polarization of Latin America into two camps. The American side with democracy and freedom and the Chinese/Russian side with totalitarian regimes and closed economies.
will allow Brazil to become the United States in South America. Another concern is the influence that Russia is excreting in the region with nations like Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina and Bolivia.
Well, that is my opinion at least.
Back to bottling my Grenache
You are totally right, Latin america has been divided in two fields, the Pro American north, and the pro Brazilian south, however there are no totalitarian regimes now n Latin American except Cuba, all the countries have presidents, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and they were democratically elected.
The pro American side, like Mexico, aim to become north American, the pro-Brazilian side aims to bring China and Russia to counter the USA.
The pro-Brazilian side aims to create the South American Union, expel the US out of south America and create a supranational entity named South American UNASUR.
China and Russia have entered South america because Brazil is a BRICS nation and Argentina has followed Brazil`s example.
The problem of South American rivalries, is the fact there are still a lot of local ethnic and cultural differences between the nations, Cuba for example has African heritage, while Argentina has mostly a European based population, and Mexico, Bolivia and Peru are nations with a large native american base .
But China has entered south America and Latin America in general because it has taken the role of Europe and the USA had before, the need for role materials and manufactured goods are the true reasons behind China entering Latin america, in few words the economic decline of the west.
This has forced Argentina to go for Chinese goods, also the US made the mistake of supporting England in 1982 at the expense of its Latin american allies.
But from that to say Latin American will be under Chinese or Russian control, well that is not possible, China and Russia are far more distant culturally and geographically to hae an impact, the USA has something in common with us, the USA is becoming another Brazil ethnically speaking, in fact Uruguay is the most European nation in the Americas, having the largest percentage of Europeans as part of its population, even higher than the USA.
So in my opinion the US will compromise with us and China and Russia sooner or later will be major partners but they will be unable to control Latin America, and that is what Brazil and Mexico have accepted in their policies towards these superpowers