China and Argentina re Falklands/Malvinas


Junior Member
The only problem is that South African defense firms do a lot of work with BAE, so until the Argentine government changes and the rhetoric ceases, there would probably not be any cooperation between South African firms and Argentine firms.

India's Kaveri engine project is an interesting idea. However, I do not believe that the Indians are finished with this project. There are probably several hundred
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, politicians and engineers making a good living due to this project. Also the French have sold a lot of technology from the M88 engine for the Kaveri, so there may be some French say in the transfer of technology and therefore by extension pressure from the British on the French.

Back to bottling my Grenache
The Kaveri project is cancelled. DRDO decided to abandon the project.

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The Kaveri project is cancelled. DRDO decided to abandon the project.

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And it was not just nuclear, but general overall military power that convinced the British the only option they had was to return HK after their 99 year 'lease' expired.

This statement is contrary to reality. In 1980's the UK had a far greater nuclear capability than China, and had a Trident programme in place in 1994. China is just now obtaining an SSBN programme.

The UK has four (4) SSBNs with up to 512 potential MIRV slots for over 225+ warheads. That is more than a match for the stated PRC capabilities.

It is more likely that as with nearly all of the former Empire, Britain let it go as they have nearly everything else.

Stressing the desires of the local population is also a long abused political trick.

Because listening to the people who live there, as opposed to a distant ruling class, is dishonest? Better just tell them what they are to do.

Since the local population are implanted British citizens, there is only one possible way they would vote if asked about the fate of the islands.

The locals are the Han Chinese, Punti, Hakka and other groups that lived who lived in that area, they were not transplanted from Britain. Han Chinese not being native to the British Isles.

It would be pretty much the same if Argentina took the islands..

Except for the treaty and a lease, you would be correct.


New Member
UK tried desperately to hang on to Hong Kong as it made them a lot of money, they proposed things like extension of the lease, co-administration etc but China would not accept anything other than total return of sovereignty.

The reality is Hong Kong depends on China a lot (water,food etc) and like Deng said he could "walk in and take the whole lot this afternoon" if things went south.
UK didn't really have a choice.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Guys, please get back on topic.

This thread is not about Hong Kong in the is about current PRC dealings with Argentina.


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