Chengdu next gen combat aircraft (?J-36) thread


A large image. I suspect this was taken from the first flight.



All control surfaces look like one body. The servo fairings on the left side of the plane seem smaller than the ones on the right. Its highly unlikely this plane has morphing control surfaces. This is AI garbage.

The image is real, albeit enhanced. The servo fairings on the right aren't smaller; they're merely less visible due to lighting and poor image quality.

You haven't been following this thread, have you? The joints between the ailerons and wings are in fact gapless, as attested by many other images shared on this very thread. Also, see this Chengdu patent.
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Heavy bomber is something that can take out an entire airport complex.... those are light bombers for ground vehicles at best

Would you, for the love of God, shut up already?! This flagship thread is dedicated to the J-36. We're not here to indulge your obsessive-compulsive disorder, so take your semantic pedantry and your verbal diarrhea someplace else where the sun doesn't shine and stay there.
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Registered Member
Not if there is a language issue between both of us, but I do not see any relevance between your image and your post: "36011 means that there is a great possibility that there are 10 prototypes between 36001-36010, and each one may change some of the above configurations."

In fact the chance is surely not ZERO esp. if the want to fool us, but IMO the chance is much greater they try to fool us with that number and it is the first aircraft than there are actually already 11!
ok, or my casual remark of "a great possibility" was considered too inaccurate.
The fact is that we cannot be sure whether the "opportunity" provided by the Chinese military to observe us has been "modified". Whether the real objects between 36001 and 36010 exist is also a mystery, and it may be simpler to say it this way.
The only number we can clearly distinguish is 36011. Other serial numbers that may or may not exist are hidden in the backlit, underexposed, and low-quality images that cannot be distinguished. So it can't prove anything - that's what I want to say.
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Would you, for the love of God, shut up already?! This flagship thread is dedicated to the J-36. We're not here to indulge your obsessive-compulsive disorder, so take your semantic pedantry and your verbal diarrhea someplace else where the sun doesn't shine and stay there.
I think it is time for Jaym to have a long holidays. He is not naive, he just play play with us, on a flagship thread...