Does Chen not have a family in China? As the man of the family, did it ever cross his mind that his actions could have immensely altered his relatives' lives?
Are you talking about his immediate family or his extended family? I'm sure his immediate family will get by. Think of all those Chinese people that moved to America, the UK and elsewhere with little or no understanding of English. There wouldn't be many of them there now if their ancestors had said "oh, well we can't go - we don't know English".
As for his extended family, are you suggesting that the people behind Chen's treatment are so petty they'll start beating up his cousins and distant relatives to get back at Chen? If things get that bad, maybe they should phone for the police. After all, China isn't North Korea where three entire generations of a family are persecuted for the "crimes" of just one person - unless you want to say something about the professionalism of the Chinese police. That sounds better to me than a blind man having to accept spending an unknown period of time trapped in his house, with him, his wife and mother subjected to random beatings.
Standing by your ideology might be admirable but it's plainly stupid to drag down others with you.
Umm, you do realise the only reason this happened is that Chen and his family were being persecuted by the local authorities and their thugs? He didn't go to Beijing to deliver a letter asking for political changes, he was trying to get to safety.
Unless you're suggesting that Chinese people shouldn't ever stand by their ideals because they might get in trouble because of it. If that was the case then China would have a very bleak, soulless future. China needs more people who are willing to stick their necks out for other people, not more people looking out for number one or only caring about guanxi.
Anyway, in recent news it seems that there
Hopefully this is a temporary delay. I'm frequently lectured about the benefits of the one-party system, one of which is supposedly that things can be done faster than in a democracy. I would hate to think that the Chinese government might be dragging its heels over enabling Chen to leave.