Chen Guangcheng is in the US embassy in Beijing!!

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Lieutenant General
The fact is everything the Chen supporters wanted didn't turn out the way they expected. The media is trying to create drama after their worst case scenario for them is exactly what happened... China let him leave without a beat. They wanted a fight and political conflict over Chen and it didn't happen. Chen is now valueless. So I hope Chen's personal goal was just to get out of China because everything else and whatever supporters were hoping to use him for is now moot.


The fact is everything the Chen supporters wanted didn't turn out the way they expected. The media is trying to create drama after their worst case scenario for them is exactly what happened... China let him leave without a beat. They wanted a fight and political conflict over Chen and it didn't happen. Chen is now valueless. So I hope Chen's personal goal was just to get out of China because everything else and whatever supporters were hoping to use him for is now moot.

For China is very simple, toss his family out of China and he is now out of their hair and become American's problem. Now that his value dives to scrap, he'll be out of spotlight soon, then becomes of obscurity, now and then the Americans will drag him out to parade in front of the media, to spite China and stuff like that.

Hope he get used to living in New York soon, for he'll never set foot on China again.


Banned Idiot
I recall many saying that of Solzenitsyn when he left the USSR for exile in the U.S. he returned for a visit twenty yrs later.

Chen is still relatively young and many things can happen in the decades to come.
Chen Guangcheng could make a fortune selling his story to the Christian Coalition and Hollywood. This is the American way.
Christian Bale could even co-star on Chen Guangcheng real life crusade movie.
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Lieutenant General
At most he could be is like Harry Wu. He's not going to be someone of worth in the US simply because the vast majority of Americans don't know who he is. China kicking him out has essentially cut-off any further celebrity rise which means nearly none unless he wants to start accusing the US of abusing him. Who knows he could be like that woman imprisoned in China for spying that the US fought for and was released only to be arrested in the US for espionage. That was classic. Besides if he's connected with Christian anti-abortionists in the US, I don't see Chen being the one that brings Republicans and Democrats together. Chen isn't going to be savy in working in American politics so he's not going to be saying anything that wasn't scripted for him. Maybe Chen will accuse China of lacing women's hair and skin to poison American men during fellatio.


Banned Idiot
There is supposedly a few disincentives to have more than one child.Is forced sterilisation/late abortion one of them?.If not then he did good to expose this abuse.
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Apparently you have to pay fine for each extra Child you have. And if you are not self-employed you will lose your job. (heard it from parents who know other mainland Chinese)


Banned Idiot
Yes, and that makes a mockery of your classless society.

Ive also read that wealthy men take second wives etc is that another way to have another child or having another child in a foreign country.


Lieutenant General
The hypocrisy is the that the critics generally fear China because of too many people are trying to stop population control. Like they want more Chinese in this world. Another contradiction of the China critics. People who contradict themselves just are looking at anything to complain about. What does it say about Chen who left China if he cared? It doesn't sound like he really cared in the first place. The anti-abortionist pro-lifers had no influence with China before. What does adding Chen's voice do? Maybe foreigners have anointed undemocratically Chen as the leader of China like Hong Kong's governor was always chosen by Great Britain and not the people of Hong Kong.
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