Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


These soldiers belong to the elite "company command 601 of the Argentine army"


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MBDA points to the replacement of the Sea Wolf system operating in the three Type 23 frigates of the Navy of Chile


(defensa.com) It is no coincidence that the European consortium show at the recently closed fair Exponaval full range missile. Chile has been a regular customer since 1972, when it adopted the MM38 missile in service with the misileras Type 148 and the coastal battery Excalibur. At the time, the Navy also uses the SM39, AM39 and very recently a SAAR IV Missile launch MM40.

Within the segments likely MBDA evaluated in Chile, include the replacement of Sea Wolf vertical launch system, operating on board the three British Type 23 frigates of the Navy of Chile today. MBDA is the adoption of Sea Ceptor system by the Royal Navy to replace just the Sea Wolf VL, to equip, fairly and among others, the Type 23 frigates mimas is why, according to the consortium, the eventual interest Chile is natural and possible adoption.

While it is understood no negotiations yet, it is inevitable advance a likely interest from the Navy for a batch of Mistral missiles to equip Simbad launchers shipped in the LSDH Sargento Aldea. MBDA emphasized that materialize a purchase, the Chilean Navy would be able to adopt the most advanced version, the Mistral 2. Finally, note the aerodynamic integration of air-to-surface Marte Mk2 / S at Airbus Military C-295. When MBDA is looking for a partner / client in order to realize a real launch. This duo is obviously an excellent alternative to the C-295 Chileans who at the time can only launch torpedoes.

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This post is to respond to several inquiries regarding the Gripen interest by the FAA. Let me see if I can explain this entire aircraft purchasing and lack of foresight in the FAA, but I'll try again. Argentina is not and will not buying Gripens. It is probably more seriously considering the F-17/FC-1, but they will not buy and JF-17/FC-1 and they are certainly not buying any Flankers. Argentina has a history of announcing they are doing this and that, but the end products always fails to materialize.

The reason why is not money and also not the economy. The reason is the current left wing government which absolutely hates the military as an institution and where part if the resistance against the military junta of the 1980s. Their solution, to remove the military as a threat to their (Leftist progressive agenda) power is to basically gut it by defunding it. Tiny budgets are announced and half the time they are not fully spent even then.

The lack of military spending is an active and ongoing policy even during periods of economic boom. There's a lack of everything, fuel, weapons, training...the FAA has basically no programs and in its inventory there are on minuscule quantities of AAM and other weapons.

There is much talk about buying Chinese and Russian equipment. However, acquiring non-western equipment would require a massive overhaul in everything. New infrastructure would have to be built, new equipment purchased, budgets drastically revised.... Frankly the military desperately needs investment. Most major pieces of equipment are at least 30 years old and at retirement age. Without new aircraft and soon, all there will be left to fly are Pampas and Pucaras. The Mirages are no longer flying, except for air shows and only 18 of the 30 A-4AR are operational. The navy is in a similar state, the ship are well cared for in that they are Bristol and look new. However they are not mechanically maintained since there is no money. Hence they barely sail and most (if not all the) ordinance has been expended or expired.

As mentioned, Argentina doesn't spend money on its military even in times of boom. Right now with massive inflation and economic contraction, it's simply not happening. Two things are basically required. A new administration with new ideas and an economic upturn. Fortunately, in Argentina these two things historically go hand in hand.

If I sound sarcastic and cynical that is because after a while this becomes a joke and a game to try and read between the lines of official releases. Sometimes one tries to think of the most ridiculous thing that can be announced and see who is closest.

We will revisit this topic in 2015 when the government announces their new hair brained scheme to acquire some J-10s.

These will soon be the only aircraft the FAA will be flying:

IA-58 Pucara

IA-62 Pampa

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Chinese space monitoring center in Argentina

La estación de observación del espacio albergará una enorme antena satelital de 35 metros de diámetro en cuyo emplazamiento trabajan, a ritmo frenético, unos 300 empleados de la empresa argentina Esuco.

"Desde la Argentina vamos a ayudar en el control de todas las misiones de China y a tener posibilidades no sólo de acceso al uso de la antena, sino también trabajar en proyectos internacionales e invitar a la comunidad mundial a trabajar en la exploración del espacio desde el país", dijo a Télam el secretario general de la Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales, Félix Menicocci.
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The Ministry of Defense of Peru Anticorruption Prosecutor asks the FBI to investigate a complaint about payment of bribes to senior Air Force

(defensa.com) In the complaint the United States Department of Justice into alleged bribery to officials of the Air Force of Peru between 2008 and 2011 by Dallas Airmotive Inc, the Defense Ministry asked the Attorney anticorruption take appropriate actions to establish responsibility if any. According to a report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Dallas Airmotive Inc. - to pay a fine of 14 million dollars for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act -FCPA) he admitted that I pay bribes to officials of the Air Forces of Brazil and Peru, as well as the Office of the Governor of the State of Roraima (Brazil) and the Governor of the Province of San Juan (Argentina) to obtain contracts.

In Peru, President of the Republic, Ollanta Humala announced that immediate action be taken following a complaint against the company Dallas Airmotive, noting that has ordered the Ministry of Defense take the case to the Comptroller General of the Republic to perform research in the Air Force and "terminated to have to denounce and if active personnel involved administrative actions to be discharged for disciplinary action be taken." In contrast, in Brazil the FAB (Air Force Brazilian) reported that it has immediately suspended the execution of contracts with Dallas Airmotive remained until full clarification of allegations of the Department of Justice United States.

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SEMAR BRDM-2 were purchased along with the BTR-60s in 1994. Currently the BRDM-2s are out of service and replaced with:


SEDENA DN-V "Toro" (Bull) armed with an HELIO FVT 900 20mm Turret

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