Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Expodefensa IV opens in Colombia on October 29


(defensa.com) From 29 to 31 October will be held in the fourth edition of Bogotá Expodefensa specializing showcase that will present the latest technological advances in the field of defense and security and will be attended by official delegates, military, Colombian government officials, executives and entrepreneurs. About 120 exhibitors, national and international, make up trade shows.

The Ministry of National Defense of Colombia, the Corporation High Technology for Defense and International Business and Exhibition Center Bogota -Corferias- will develop this event, a meeting point for manufacturers of ammunition, armor, unmanned vehicles, unmanned aircraft remotely and communication systems, explosive detection, air defense, protection and rescue, among others.

"In this fourth edition we seek to strengthen technological development in Colombia and boost trade between the armed forces of different countries and manufacturers and suppliers of products and services related to the field of security and defense services.

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Boeing confirms talks with Brazil for the sale of Chinook helicopters


(defensa.com) The Brazilian Army has expressed interest in buying a heavy unlisted number CH-47 Chinook helicopters, as announced by the American company Boeing, manufacturer of helicopters. Although many details were not disclosed, it is confirmed that negotiations have begun selling a number of helicopters that Boeing considered "not too large". The company believes that the talks are at a "very positive" and that the arrival time of these helicopters would provide increased capacity for the Brazilian Army.

In defensa.com we announced in April the possibility that Boeing sold in Latin America some Chinooks helicopters from the US Army that could be sold in lots and modernized according to customer needs. Then he spoke of Brazil, Chile and Colombia as potential customers. Later this offer materialized in the case of Brazil, being six helicopters CH-47D version for approximately between 70 and 90 million depending on the degree of modernization to make the dependence upon American Foreign Military Sales Credit.

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Some more pictures if the Argentine Navy


Icebreaker ARA "Almirante Irizar", Logistics vessel ARA "Patagonia" and Oceanographic vessel ARA "Puerto Deseado" photographed in the port of Ushuaia in 2002 during an Antarctic expedition.


The three corvettes A-69 ARA P-31 "Drummond", P-32 ARA "Guerrico" y P-33 ARA "Granville" sailing together



Rapid Transport (type 42) ARA "Hércules" and two of the MEKO 360H2 ARA "Almirante Brown" y ARA "Heroína" docked at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base. Photo take from bow and stern.


The Corvette A-69 ARA "Guerrico" participating in UNIDEF 2014.

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The navies of Chile and Argentina are exercised jointly EVACRIP



(defensa.com) In the city of Ushuaia Medical Evacuation Exercise Review (EVACRIP) was performed in the context of humanitarian demining, which also involved a Bell 412 helicopter of the Air Force of Chile. The exercise began with a simulated incident, in which a mine affected personnel that carried out demining. The wounded man was evaluated and stabilized by medical personnel Chile in the crash and taken to a health center in Ushuaia major medical equipment.

The Southern Naval Area Command alerted the authorities involved in these cases and provided emergency medical support for the wounded were taken to the Naval Hospital of Ushuaia. The participants expressed their satisfaction with the results and the progress made on interoperability.

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Official handover of the first KT-1P to the Air Force of Peru


(defensa.com) In a ceremony held at the Air Base of "Las Palmas", the Air Force of Peru officially incorporated its first two training aircraft KAI KT-1P, called "Bull" in reference to the North American NA-50A Captain José Quiñones (hero of the Air Force). The devices have been assigned to the Air Group N ° 51 located in the Air FAP "Captain Reman Elías Olivera FAP" (Pisco) Base.

The Acquisition Agreement and coproduction of the KT-1P, framed in a government to government negotiation and implementation of the Directive on Industrial Compensation (Offset), was signed in November 2012 operation cifrándose $ 208.8 million. The two ships delivered (FAP 400 enrollments and 402) correspond to the four batch manufactured in Korea, estimated that the others - whose arrival was originally scheduled for March 2015 - come to Peru in mid-November and will be delivered in December. The remaining 16 will be assembled in the plant Co KAI and Maintenance Service FAP (SEMAN), located at the Air Base of "Las Palmas". The first five ships in this set are in assembly process is estimated that two to be delivered in April 2015 The offset comprises, in addition to co-producing the KT-1P, a flight simulator - valued at $ 7.5 million - and conditioning four hangars at the Air Base of "Las Palmas", and the transfer of technology UAVs.

The KT-1P Torito - export design based on KT-1C - is a primary training aircraft with a certain ability to perform combat support missions. Its length is 10.26 m, 10.59 m wingspan. and height of 3.68 m, and its wing area of 16 m. It is powered by a Pratt & Whitney PT6A-62 950 hp that gives a cruising speed of 574 km / h, a ceiling of 11,580 m operation. and a range of 1,300 km. The maximum takeoff weight is 2,500 kg. The KT-1P has a cabin equipped with latest-generation avionics, among others, multifunction displays (MFD), mission computer (MC) and BFI (Back-up Fligth Instrument) panel, plus an oxygen generator system (OBOGS). It has 5 hard points for FN machine gun pods HMP-250 12.7mm, MK-82 bombs of 250 kg. MK-83 and 500 kg, LAU-131 launchers 70 mm. and fuel tanks.

The ceremony was attended by the President, Ollanta Humala Tasso, Defence Minister Peter Cateriano Bellido, and the General Commander of the Air Force, Air General Olivos Jaime Figueroa and senior members of the Forces you armed. In his order, the general Olivos Figueroa expressed that "in technology, the Air Force has developed a new manufacturing oriented aircraft based on the quality standards of the leading companies in the aviation industry capacity, as Aircraft Industries is Korea (KAI) ". In turn, Humala said that "co-production aircraft instruction and training is an achievement of the strategic alliance with South Korea and Peru shows that can advance the field of industrialization."


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Hello lads

These are pictures taken at the Fourth Open Air Brigade in Mendoza, home of the Air Force Academy of the Argentine Air Force on 31-08-2014


IA-58 Pucara


IA-62 Pampa II



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Found this little video on the Gaucho Light Jeep

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All ready for the roll out of the first KC-390


(defensa.com) On Tuesday the international aviation will be attentive to the official presentation of the KC-390, developed by Embraer from the requirements of the Brazilian Air Force. The Coordination Committee of the Programme of Combat Aircraft (COPAC), Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), is responsible for the project. The first public appearance of the new prototype cargo plane will take place in the city of Hawk Peixoto, São Paulo, at 11 hours.

"The KC-390 is for the Brazilian Air Force a technology summit in domestic production, the culmination of our ability to issue requirements and especially the ability of our national aerospace industry to develop a new generation product," he said Air Brigadier Jose Augusto Crepaldi Affonso, chairman of COPAC.

With a total investment of 5,500 million, 2,000 million for the development of the aircraft and the balance for the acquisition of the first 28 units, the KC-390 will become the backbone of air transport in the FAB. The aircraft represents the latest in terms of avionics. The system features an intuitive interface, so does the man-machine interaction and reducing the workload of the flight crew, which increases situational awareness. The high-resolution displays allow the crew easy access to information necessary to fulfill the varied missions, the aircraft can be configured specifically for the different phases of the mission. The system is also fully compatible with the latest standards of CNS / ATM systems in place. The KC-390 is equipped with the fly by wire system.

Equipped with a pair of jet engines, the KC-390 has advantages over the C-130 Hercules turboprop, currently used by the Air Force for these missions. While the predecessor in the newest version reaches 671 km / h, the Brazilian aircraft will fly at 850 km / h.

Its main advantages are the lower cost of maintenance and autonomy. A KC-390 can take off and arrive nonstop Brasilia any Brazilian capital with 23 tons of cargo, its maximum capacity. On the wings, the aircraft can carry up to 23.2 tons of fuel. Besides feeding the turbines themselves can receive and make refueling (REVO). That's why the aircraft is called KC: C and K Cargo tanker or tank, in English.

The load compartment is 18.54 meters long. The width is 3.45 meters and height of 2.95 meters. The space is large enough to accommodate bulky equipment, armor, artillery, weapons and even semi-disassembled aircraft. The Guarani and armored Blackhawk helicopter, for example, fit into the cargo hold of the KC-390. Could also be carrying 80 armed soldiers in a troop transport configuration, 64 paratroopers, 74 stretchers plus medical equipment or containers, armored vehicles and other equipment.

One of the missions that the KC-390 will develop search and rescue (SAR). On these flights, the windows are replaced by larger models in bubble format, providing a better view of observers, however this setting causes drag that reduces the speed and increases fuel consumption. The KC-390 a creative solution will solve the problem: the window can be changed during flight. In such a situation, the KC-390 take off in its normal configuration, flying high and fast and only when placing the team will fly to a lower altitude, depressurize and replace windows flying slower. Upon returning, a new reconfiguration is done to save fuel. In practice, it will be faster arriving at the place of the search and have longer flight time available for the mission.

Another notable innovation in the KC-390 is the profile of your cabin. A much broader view make a difference in strictly military, such as the launch of flight loads and penetration into enemy territory at low altitude situations. In 2016 the first deliveries of the 28 units acquired by the FAB are planned. The big difference of the KC-390 in relation to other projects already developed by national industry is that this time the plane was born with some exports going. Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Portugal and the Czech Republic have confirmed their intention to acquire this aircraft.

It is estimated to reach more than a hundred units produced in the first decade, most of these propellers intended to replace the C-130 Hercules aircraft manufactured in the United States since the 50s and totaling 2,400 units in 70 countries . When the assembly line is active, the Embraer expectation is to generate more than 12,000 direct and indirect jobs, I ters in many national and international suppliers partners.

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Argentina could be the first customer for the Gripen manufactured in Brazil. Rossi says the purchase of 24 fighters will be negotiated

(defensa.com) The defense ministers of Brazil, Celso Amorim, and Argentina, Agustin Rossi, after the roll out ceremony of the Embraer KC-390, Brazil signed a memorandum called Aeronautica Strategic Industry Alliance, intended to guide and strengthen the sector in both countries, the appropriate legal framework for the Argentine hierarch announced that his country will begin to negotiate the purchase of up to 24 fighters Saab Jas 39 Gripen NG, once these are actually produced in Brazil.

That Argentina can provide parts for these aircraft is an issue to be negotiated later between the parties and more likely to materialize, given integrated into the KC-390 program has meant to revitalize the stalled semi Factory Argentina Aircraft (Fade), while their own projects do not materialize. Amorim admitted in dedicated study how to integrate Argentina into the local Gripen program, "our intentions are to cooperate with neighboring Argentina and all friend," expressed after the agreement was signed in the presence of the 3 commanders in chief of the host Armed Forces and other authorities of the Ministry of Defense, referring also to the possibility of working together on naval topics such as the future IPOs.

The big question to get the project would be the existence of components in the Gripen UK given turbulent relations Buenos Aires and London, exemplified with the recent British objections to the offer by Israel Kfir aircraft. Another uncertainty is to respond in the event of a negative expected to Argentina, as this could affect obstacle to agreement and contract inimnente the first 36 units, between Sweden and Brazil.

Will they be getting their without radar, IRST, landing gear, ejection seats and all the other British-built parts then?

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