Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Senior Member
The big question to get the project would be the existence of components in the Gripen UK given turbulent relations Buenos Aires and London, exemplified with the recent British objections to the offer by Israel Kfir aircraft. Another uncertainty is to respond in the event of a negative expected to Argentina, as this could affect obstacle to agreement and contract inimnente the first 36 units, between Sweden and Brazil.

Will they be getting their without radar, IRST, landing gear, ejection seats and all the other British-built parts then?

Gripen supposed to be very modular, so if Brazil gets complete ToT they should be able to integrate equipment from other sources. But lot of water under the bridge until that time, so we should see.


Gripen supposed to be very modular, so if Brazil gets complete ToT they should be able to integrate equipment from other sources. But lot of water under the bridge until that time, so we should see.

I hope that is the case!

You know what’s funny Thunder? A while back I started a thread speculating what the replacement aircraft would be for the Argentine Mirage III/V. On the top of the list was the Kfir C12 and the MiG-29 (some variant). On the bottom of that list was the Gripen due to its content of British made equipment.

Funny how thing turn out. Although I speculate that this deal to will not come to fruition, however since Brazil is involved it has a higher chance of success.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec
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Senior Member
I hope that is the case!

You know what’s funny Thunder? A while back I started a thread speculating what the replacement aircraft would be for the Argentine Mirage III/V. On the top of the list was the Kfir C12 and the MiG-29 (some variant). On the bottom of that list was the Gripen due to its content of British made equipment.

Funny how thing turn out. Although I speculate that this deal to will not come to fruition, however since Brazil is involved it has a higher chance of success.

What happened to that Kfir Block 60 deal while we at it ? Btw, I don't want to spoil your celebration :D, but all that talk about buying new Gripens as soon as they are available could be subtle way to postpone fighter acquisitions for indefinite time , or to shift responsibility to next government. Devil is in the details, as they say : "begin to negotiate the purchase of up to 24 fighters Saab Jas 39 Gripen NG, once these are actually produced in Brazil. "


What happened to that Kfir Block 60 deal while we at it ? Btw, I don't want to spoil your celebration :D, but all that talk about buying new Gripens as soon as they are available could be subtle way to postpone fighter acquisitions for indefinite time , or to shift responsibility to next government. Devil is in the details, as they say : "begin to negotiate the purchase of up to 24 fighters Saab Jas 39 Gripen NG, once these are actually produced in Brazil. "

Regarding the Kfir Blk 60. The main hang up is many in the air force know that the aircraft cannot hold its own against F-16s and its prospect of victory with a Typhon are next to nil. However, you are absolutely correct on your connect that it is a way of deferring the procurement program indefinitely.

I will now get back to crying over my Malbac


More equipment from the US to Nicaragua


(defensa.com) Lieutenant Commander Roberto Colon-Cruz, Chief of the Naval Section of the Military Group of the United States in Nicaragua, presented by Gerardo Fornos Commander, Chief of Operations of the Naval Forces of Nicaragua, 4 binoculars thermal and navigation maps of the bay of Corinth. They join eight other thermal binoculars delivered during the period 2014, all in excess of the $ 336,000 value.

The thermal binoculars are the Phantom type, which use a high-resolution thermal detector, and ideal for use at night or in low light and adverse weather conditions during observation (fog or rain). The ceremony was performed in the presence of Marta Youth, Minister Counselor of the US Embassy; and Lt. Col. Brian Woolworth, Chief of Military Group in Nicaragua. Recall that recently the US Ambassador to Nicaragua, Phyllis M. Power, made delivery of newly built facilities at the Naval Staff of the Caribbean District. In addition, two Boston Whaler boats that were added to a given shortly before indulged.


Also in October, a specialized training by a team of Marines from the US naval base at Corinth, on the island El Cardon, lasting three weeks, where he trained was carried out elements of the Marine Corps of the Army of Nicaragua in martial arts, land navigation, medical training, patrolling techniques, water survival, communications, urban combat techniques and physical training.

The Nicaraguan troops were pushed to the limit and US Marines were left with a good impression with the level of competition, physical fitness and the ability and attitude to learning new skills from their counterparts.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


The Spanish Shipbuilding P. Freire built oceanographic ship Navy of Peru


(defensa.com) The Spanish shipyard Freire P. Shipbuilding was selected to provide a polar research vessel of 6,000 tons. for the Navy of Peru, for approximately $ 79.2 million. The award was announced on the website of the Supervisory Board for Government Procurement (OSCE), and is part of the so-called Program Building an oceanographic ship that contributes to the improvement of services for Oceanographic Research of the Navy in the maritime domain and Antarctica, which was convened in mid-September.

The construction of the ship would be made entirely in Spain and must be delivered in May 2016. The process to other twelve companies were invited: Davie Shipbuilding, Irving Shipbuilding and Seaspan Marine Corporation (Canada); Hyundai Shipbuilding and STX Offshore & Shipbuilding (South Korea); Astilleros Armon Astilleros Murueta and Navantia (Spain); STX Finland (Finland), DCNS (France), Damen Shipyards Gorinchem (Netherlands) and Fincantieri (Italy). It will be based on the NC-704 Class (RRS Discovery), which has a length of 99.7 m., 18 sleeve, strut depth of 7.4 and 6.5, and its displacement of 6,000 tons full load .

It develops a maximum speed of 15 knots and is designed to operate autonomously fifty days, having for about 599 m3 tanks. fuel (gaséleo or diesel) and 310 m3. water. The crew will be 24 effective and have the capacity to accommodate 28 scientists. Have at least six laboratories and a flight deck 85 m2. The acquisition of this ship will allow Peru, as a member of the Antarctic Treaty, continue to support international efforts to research and protection of the white continent.


Currently, the Navy, in coordination with the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs, plans and executes annual scientific surveys in support of the Peruvian Machu Picchu Station Antarctica through the deployment of BIC (Ship Scientific Research) Humboldt. This allows enhancing the knowledge we have of this continent and its relationship with oceanographic and biological systems that reach the coast of Peru

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Saab, Brazil finalise Gripen NG deal

Saab and industrial partners including Embraer are to start work on 36 Gripen NG fighters formally ordered by Brazil with the signing on 27 October of a SKr39.3 billion ($5.8 billion) contract for delivery over five years, starting in 2019.

The deal – under negotiation since December 2013, when Brazil selected the Gripen over Dassault's Rafale and the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet for its F-X2 requirement – is for 28 single-seat and eight two-seat aircraft, and makes Brazil the export launch customer for the NG model.

About 15 of the aircraft will be assembled in Brazil and the rest in Sweden, although 150 Brazilian engineers and a number of technicians will soon be arriving in Sweden for training and to participate in the assembly of some of the aircraft.

Lennart Sindahl, who heads Saab’s aeronautics business, says the single-seaters will be similar to the E-model Gripens under development for the Swedish air force. As part of a technology transfer plan, the two-seaters will include some Brazil-specific design features and will be developed with the help of the engineers being dispatched to Sweden.

The two-seaters will therefore, adds Sindahl, be delivered later in the five-year delivery cycle.

The Gripens will replace Dassault Mirage 2000C fighters operated by Brazil’s 1st Air Defence Group and a number of modernised Northrop F-5EMs in four other air force squadrons.

Co-design with Saab of some aspects of the two-seaters will open a new phase of development of Brazil’s – particularly Embraer’s – military aircraft capabilities. Sindahl, speaking by telephone after the contract signing, did not detail whether or not Brazilian final assembly work would include some or all of the two-seaters. However, in July Embraer chief executive Frederico Curado said Brazil’s assembly point would be Embraer’s military factory and flight test centre in Gavião Peixoto.

Citing commercial confidentiality, Sindahl declines to remark on the apparent increase to about $5.8 billion in the price of a contract that was announced as some $4.5 billion when the Gripen was selected. However, he did underscore Saab’s reputation for “efficiency”.

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Jeff Head

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Glad to see the Gripen NG moving along and I hope it spurs on more sales.

But...$5.8 billion for 36 aircraft?

I wonder what, in addition to the aircraft Brazil will be getting. Maintenance? Spare parts? Weapons?

If it is just the aircraft, then they become tremendously expensive at over $155 million each.

There musty be more...a lot more...that Brazil is getting.


Glad to see the Gripen NG moving along and I hope it spurs on more sales.

But...$5.8 billion for 36 aircraft?

I wonder what, in addition to the aircraft Brazil will be getting. Maintenance? Spare parts? Weapons?

If it is just the aircraft, then they become tremendously expensive at over $155 million each.

There musty be more...a lot more...that Brazil is getting.

Defenseindustrydaily does a good coverage of the whole issue on their site. Besides the jets, there's training, spares and a 10 year tech transfer agreement.

In a seperate contract, Brazil is said to lease "10-12 Gripen C/D"

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F-X2: Brazil Buys Saab’s JAS-39E/F Gripen over Rafale, Super Hornet

... Oct 24/14: Brazil. Saab signs a SEK 39.3 billion / BRL 13.363 billion / $5.475 billion contract with Brazil’s COMAER for 28 JAS-39E and 8 JAS-39F fighters, alongside provisions for training, initial spares, and a 10-year Industrial Co-operation contract to transfer technologies to Brazilian industry. Embraer will have a leading role as Saab’s strategic partner, with a JAS-39F co-development role and full responsibility for production.

This contract winds up having wider implications as well, by securing Sweden’s order for 60 JAS-39Es. As signed, it required at least 1 other customer, which was going to be Switzerland until a weak effort from that government destroyed the deal in a referendum. Brazil has now become that additional customer, and Saab expects that this commitment will keep the JAS-39 in service to 2050.

What’s left? Brazil’s FAB confirms that the interim lease agreement for 10-12 JAS-39C/Ds will be a separate deal with the Swedish government. Meanwhile, the JAS-39NG contracts still require certain conditions before they become final, such as required export control-related authorizations from the USA et. al. All of these conditions are expected to be fulfilled during the first half of 2015, with deliveries to take place from 2019 – 2024.
Sources: Saab, “Saab and Brazil sign contract for Gripen NG” | Brazil FAB, “Brasil assina contrato para aquisicao de 36 cacas Gripen NG”. ...