How about this scenario:
Sometime in the next 10 years, South Korea becomes really militant and decides to invade North Korea. The USA has no appetite for another war and decides to support SK with supplies only, and also sets up an embargo against NK.
The embargo causes NK to have a severe fuel shortage, making their unable to deploy any mechanized infantry or armor on a large scale. They are forced to rely on their infantry. Luckily for NK, China is also willing to supply them with weapons, but the narrow NK-China border makes it impossible for China to relieve NK of its fuel shortage.
Since the USA is not intervening directly, China will not either. It will be just NK with its millions of regular infantry and reserves against SK forces.
So would be the outcome of such a war? Are there any "game changer" technologies for NK? How about for SK?
Good example and a tough one!
Although the connection between China and NK is narrow, supplying NK should actually be easier for China than the US for SK. Don't forget that the US is 8000 miles away. Supplying a major conflict, such as one between NK and SK, so far away would put a huge strain on the US logistically and economically. Time is another factor against the SK/US alliance. China, on the other hand, can do it via train and highway on land, which would be limited by the narrow connection. Although they have a bottle neck, it would be much faster to get through that bottle neck than transport ships traveling 8000 miles across the Pacific Ocean. China can also supply NK via ships and planes, both of which would not be limited by terrain. Air dropping supplies would be an easy thing to do since the Shenyang military region is literally next door. The same cannot be said of the US because of the cost involved in sending huge convoys of transport planes across the Pacific Ocean. So in that sense, the potential China/NK alliance would actually have an advantage over the US/SK alliance.
Now, SK has been operating Western equipment for decades and can simply grab whatever they have and go. The same cannot be said of the NK who are almost completely unfamiliar with any high-tech weapons. So even if they are provided with advanced weapons by China, they don't know how to use them effectively. That's a huge negative.
Another factor is the terrain. NK is very mountainous if I'm not mistaken. The mountains could potentially effectively shield NK troops from surveillance and bombings. The effectiveness of any attack could also be compromised. That's part of why China could effectively push the UN forces south of 38th in the Korean War; and why Vietnam War ended how it ended; and also why Bin Laden was able to hide in the Afghan/Pakistan mountains for so long.
So the end would be very difficult to predict.
With that said, I don't think SK would be a good example of a technologically advanced foe when we started this argument. The difference between SK and NK is too small to fit into our assumed hypothetical situation of an advanced foe vs. a light infantry. A scenario of China/US vs. NK would be a better one. Would NK would be able to survive if either China or the US decided to attack them? Even if China/US is willing help NK/SK, they will not provide their most advanced weapons for fear of escalating the conflict or for fear of depleting their own resources. Neither SK nor NK can afford the fancy toys. However, if China or the US decided to attack NK themselves, they want to end it and achieve their objective ASAP. Thus, they will most likely use very advanced weapons, in addition to naval/land blockade, etc. So maximal power in a very short amount of time. NK will not be able to withstand it, hence giving us the classic scenario we have been arguing about.
Also, I think it would be a mistake to assume China will help NK in time of a conflict. China of today is vastly different from the China 60 years ago. With their political objectives changed, they will change alliance as well. It might be in their interest to eliminate the current NK govn't and put in place their puppets.