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Registered Member
Trying to cause the 5th Taiwan Strait Crisis and the 2nd crisis over Taiwan within 6 months huh?

On the other hand, does that mean Beijing would be granted even more leeway to fly warplanes and sail warships much closer to Taiwan than since August 2022?

Then China can also deliver pickled vegetables and poached eggs directly onto the island itself more easily, using DJI drones launched from PLAN warships!
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Registered Member
Trying to cause the 5th Taiwan Strait Crisis and the 2nd crisis over Taiwan within 6 months huh?

On the other hand, does that mean Beijing would be granted even more leeway to fly warplanes and sail warships much closer to Taiwan than since August 2022?

Then China can also deliver pickled vegetables and poached eggs directly onto the island itself more easily, using DJI drones launched from PLAN warships!
Time to make regular bomber and fighter overflights into the new status quo.

Americans are unhingedly trying to start ww3. There is no moral defense towards involving US politicians and US forces into someone else's civil war, especially after US tried to hard to rally UN into condemning Russia doing the same thing barely 1 year ago.

China should defintely announce a snap increase to military spending. High spending can ensure deterrence, its worth it even if it hurts the economy. Just see it as an American tax, a price to pay in order to prevent ww3. In the long term, developing the military industrial complex will yield other advantages as well.

In the 1980s, budget was up to 6-7% gdp.

Should US go ahead with threatening Chinese borders further, the best thing China can do is to announce an additional 1 trillion USD equivalent to the armed forces, annually for a couple of years, earmarked to help the PLA counter US military buildup, as well as a general spending increase to 2% gdp.

We are hardly asking for imperial Japan or even USSR levels of military spending. Just for China to do a 1 time boost followed by the lowest minimal NATO spending. And this will be sufficient to ensure conventional supremacy over NATO in the foreseeable future.


Registered Member
As if China wants to sail 4300 kilometers all the way to land troops on the beaches of Darwin...

Claiming that China has a stockpile of more than 100 thousand naval mines is not a solid excuse at all. I don't recall Chinese warships sailing around Australia's backyard every single fvcking week.

I'm thinking that rather than mining its own waters to prevent Chinese warships from invading Australian waters (pfft), Australia could use these naval mines to:
1. Secretly mine waters outside of the 12 nautical-mile territorial waters of Australia, and wait for Chinese warships that are conducting freedom of navigation operations close by to approach these mines and activate them, thus trying to stage an accident where the Chinese warship is damaged and/or sunk by "mines from WW2"; and/or
2. Secretly mine waters off the ports of other South Pacific nations such as the Solomon Islands in order to deny Chinese warships from docking and conducting port visits to those island nations.

Speaking of 贼喊捉贼 with the loudest voice...
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Remember. That CNY shooter was not just a maniac, shooting people for fun. There is enough circumstantial evidence to charge him of a racially motivated crime. He chose to shoot at a crowd celebrating CNY. He could have chosen another time, at another place to kill if he was specifically targeting someone. But no, he wanted to attack a specific occasion, celebrated by a specific ethnic crowd.

He fled the scene instead of killing himself, which is a big hint that this is racially motivated, not some mentally unstable action. That shooter wanted to live, to continue his spree. This is the same as the Atlanta Spa shootings, and the Tsarnaev brothers killing people in the Boston marathon. Racist murderers and haters don't kill themselves. Because they don't hate themselves enough to do so. They consider themselves crusaders.
100% agree.

Also note that after the mass shooting in Monterey Park CA, the shooter tried to attack another CNY celebration party in Alhambra CA but fortunately some of the party goers in Alhambra wrestled away his gun before he could kill anyone there.

The shooter lived in Torrance CA, about 30 miles away from Monterey Park and Alhambra. You don't just randomly happen upon two CNY celebrations in two different cities that are ~30 miles away from where you live. It was a clearly targeted and pre-meditated attack on Chinese people.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
CNN fake news. His naturalization papers say he was from Vietnam. He was probably a Vietnamese Chinese though since that dance club circle is mostly Chinese I assume, but this he is from China thing is way too fake.
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His ex-wife was Chinese based on screenshots of searched divorce records I found online, so CNN found the easiest way to smear China by claiming he was from China, even though it is obvious he is from Vietnam. CNN uses the marriage certificate so later when they get called out they can claim, oops "honest mistake".
So it could just be some sort of old people lover's quarrel turned suicidal attack rather than racially motivated? Still a tragedy that shouldn't have happened, but Asians are obviously on edge due to all the abuse thrown at them over the last few years.


Junior Member
Registered Member
So it could just be some sort of old people lover's quarrel turned suicidal attack rather than racially motivated? Still a tragedy that shouldn't have happened, but Asians are obviously on edge due to all the abuse thrown at them over the last few years.
Maybe, but the shooter filed for divorce from his Chinese ex-wife in 2005. Seems strange that he waited 17~18 years before taking action if it was related to the divorce. Also note that it was the shooter that filed for divorce back in 2005, not his ex-wife.
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