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Junior Member
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CNN claims he is an immigrant from China, pretty odd. Vietnamese Chinese would be common, but from China? Maybe just to smear China?

Not surprising that CNN would work in any angle to say China bad. But wherever the guy was from, he had been in the US for at least 20 years according to the article itself. The 'shoot people when I'm pissed off' culture surely came from living in the US.


Junior Member
Registered Member
They've done that recently I remember, claiming a Taiwanese shooter as from mainland China.
That was a mass shooting last year at a church in California. The shooter and the victims all had similar life paths. They were all born in Taiwan and later immigrated to the US and became naturalized US citizens. In the media reporting however, the victims were called Taiwanese Americans while the shooter was referred to as Chinese immigrant.


Registered Member
clearly CNN did not do their homework since Tran is 100% Vietnamese spelling, not Chinese, surname. It corresponds to a Chinese surname with Vietnamese pronunciation (陈), but it is not Chinese.

For someone of age 72, the only way he possibly could've been born in China is that he was born in China but emigrated to Vietnam with his family as a child which is entirely possible given the refugee flows and population exchanges during and after WW2.


Registered Member
This mass shooting in the US strikes me as odd.

Usually in these mass shootings, in a night club or school, the shooter is usually dead, mostly likely from killing themself.

This time, they actually ran, like a serial killer.

So, I would think the shooter himself is Asian.

If this was a shooting on the street, with a crowd, then we can condemn it as racially motivated.

In this one, not so sure. A specific location was picked, a club full of people, just like how other mass shootings happened. And it was done at 10:30 PM local time, when the Lunar New Year Festivities were officially over at 9:00 PM.

We have to wait for more details to emerge. My guess is that they probably will not find the shooter, because he ran. Usually in a mass shooting, they always know the shooter, because he's dead.

Also, this was a dance club in an Asian neighbourhood. If some white guy walked in or a black guy walked and started shooting, there is the description of the suspect. This time the description of the suspect appears to be not clear.
In my view. If the mass shooter was Asian. It still does not mean that the shooting was not racially or religiously motivated. I mean how often do Chinese Lunar New Years events become targets for mass shootings? We are not talking about some neighborhood drive-by.

The investigation is ongoing. Alright. But the police and the media were very quick to caution everyone about labeling this a hate crime. But when it's Jews, Muslims or other ethnicities that were victims. The police and the media will show outrage and would say quite early on, that they will investigate for hate crimes.

To be fair, the Las Vegas mass shooting that killed 50+ people was at a country music festival, no one called that an anti-white hate crime even though that genre of music is overwhelmingly dominated by white fans.

Also, sad as this may be, it is totally not uncommon in these mass shootings to have a specific target, but cause a lot of collateral damage.
All mass shootings are tragic. But if you want to argue about white people getting killed in the Las Vegas mass shooting not getting enough sympathy. That is just wrong. That shooting had no specific racial or religious targeting. There were many non-white victims too. So give them some respect!

If a shooter had targeted a Gay Club during a party night, then there are firm reasons to suspect a hate crime. If the shooter had targeted a Mosque during Friday prayers, then there is clear religious hate motivation. If a Chinese New Year celebration event was targeted, then are we wrong to suspect racial motivation?

Remember. That CNY shooter was not just a maniac, shooting people for fun. There is enough circumstantial evidence to charge him of a racially motivated crime. He chose to shoot at a crowd celebrating CNY. He could have chosen another time, at another place to kill if he was specifically targeting someone. But no, he wanted to attack a specific occasion, celebrated by a specific ethnic crowd.

He fled the scene instead of killing himself, which is a big hint that this is racially motivated, not some mentally unstable action. That shooter wanted to live, to continue his spree. This is the same as the Atlanta Spa shootings, and the Tsarnaev brothers killing people in the Boston marathon. Racist murderers and haters don't kill themselves. Because they don't hate themselves enough to do so. They consider themselves crusaders.

Finally, I don't buy that BS that if it was an Asian man doing the shooting, then it is not racially motivated. 'Asian' is a large ethnic group. That shooter could have been a non-Chinese Asian. He could have been a Chinese too, but a Gordon Chang, brainwashed by American Sinophobic indoctrination. It still doesn't mean that his crime was not racially motivated.

Why is it when Chinese, or Russian people are killed, Westerners and their minions must find excuses to say that it is anything but hate-motivated? But when Whites, Black Americans, Christians, Jews, or LGBTS are gunned down by haters or Jihadists, there is instant outrage. This is good old double standards.


Registered Member
Absolutely a clown show. Western institutions have tossed aside all logic in favour of rhetoric.
Im surprised they didnt rate Haiti as better than China...

All the talk about freedom, liberty, democracy, rules based order, etc etc was all rhetorical lip service when they were ahead, but when real competition start eating their lunch the true colors show


Lieutenant General
Did you hear someone called the police to want to know what hospitals the victims who were still alive from the Monterey Park shooting so he can go there and finish the job...?

Americans glad the Monterey Park shooter wasn't white. Wish he were Chinese so like the church shooter in San Diego they can lie that he was a terrorist on orders from Beijing so Taiwanese can claim they were victims. Once I heard about the standoff in Torrance, CA, I knew he was Vietnamese before they even identified him. For those that don't know... Torrance has a heavy Vietnamese population. Remember the Republican congressional representative of the district that includes Torrance, CA is Korean-American Michelle Steele who during the last election charged her opponent who's a Chinese-American as being an agent of China just for being Chinese. She did that because her district was filled with anti-Chinese Vietnamese.

They're not going to entertain it being a hate crime on Chinese especially because of the geo-political optics. Look at how readily they blamed the San Diego church shooter on hate on Taiwanese by China. If that was true where's the US military counterattack since that would be an act of war. They've actually done nothing in retaliation. It's just like because of Kanye West, there was a news article on non-white white supremacists and people in comments section were ridiculing how can a non-white person be a white supremacist? Look at the plenty of Asians that are for white supremacy because they so desperately want to be white. That's why I flip it around when I hear Americans claim China is the next Nazi Germany. I tell them China can't be the next Nazi Germany because Chinese ain't white.