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Registered Member
Most of population is white so that's why most of music festival was white. So that is why it's not called an anti-white crime because of random probability sample of population is mostly white.

Country Music... are people not familiar with Country Music or something?

When I say 'overwhemingly dominated', I am not talking about "general population statistics", I mean I would be surprised if the attendees were not 90% white and specifically 75% Southern/Mid-Western USA white. I would also be surprised if there would be even 3% Asians...


Registered Member

I know I shouldn’t watch crap like this, but it does surprise me on how many channels as of late that I once found informative have devolved into madness and paranoia over time from how things are working out in the world right now. It is funny how certain channels can get so much wrong, that they believe that China and Russia to being in the losing end of things when it is the west that is completely losing it in every sense of the word, for evidence of this , simply watch Davos 2023 and you would easily see just how mad they have all become, I mean look as how crazy the elites are in how they behave, more weapons will solve the problem when such things need training for months to use. For them, diplomacy is dead and more of the same is the only solution and this is supposed to be a conference that is supposed to guided by reason and humanity, not some old fool that believes he can use economic sanctions and out right bullshit (microchips in brains and meta verse) to rule the world despite the companies responsible for such are now in economic free fall (simply looking at the number of layoffs from the tech companies recently in thousands demonstrates my point). To own nothing and being happy should never be in the same sentence and until this idiot understands how stupid this sentence is, his dream of a new world order will never come to be and the channel attached above shows just how disjointed the west world has finally become, a lot of what ifs and not enough reality, no attempts to understand the true cause and trying to insist that they are right without a single regard that maybe the side they cheer for are the sole and direct cause for all the misfortune happening right now and even worse, no amount of reasons being present are being considered until these peoples heads are slowly lowered onto the chopping block


Registered Member
My point is not about getting enough sympathy. If we call it a hate crime, all we get is empty sympathy anyway. What is that going to do for anyone?
I have never talked about demanding for sympathy. Sympathy is just words, it's cheap. I even think that that's not what most Chinese people would want. What we all want is justice! Justice demands action. Starting with: stop making excuses for Sinophobic hate crimes.

The shooter is now proven to be Asian, but what if he was white? Are we going to celebrate how that “proves” it was a hate crime and so all Chinese should hate all white people for it? Or if he was ethnic Vietnamese, hate all Vietnamese? What about Chinese-Vietnamese mixed heritage? Hate them too? I don't believe we should.
Don't change the topic and say that I promote hate against the whites or any others who hurt the Chinese. What we had wanted all along was justice. We want them to stop making the Sinophobia any worse. We already have discrimination, hate crimes, and murders. Now it has escalated to mass murders. Can't we the Chinese people, ask for more justice? If asking for justice means that we hate the whites and other ethnicities, then you are following the same logic as those racist haters. This type of mentality will eventually invite hatred from the Chinese people.

I have already said. The shooter doesn't need to be white for this to be a hate crime. The shooter can be a Vietnamese, or a 'Gordon Chang' Chinese Hanjian and it is still a racially motivated hate crime. Don't follow the American argument that an Asian on Asian hate crime is not a hate crime. That is pure BS! That is like saying, that Imperial Japan in WW2 was not racist against the Chinese, because it's Asian on Asian brutality. This is the shit logic of the white imperialists.

We already know the situation in America. The establishment has created a racist environment that empowers these moron KKK worshippers like Josh Hawley, Rubio, Marsha 'Lifetime Bitch' Blackburn, Tom 'GI Joe Hero' Cotton, etc. The best thing to do (if you believe in the system) is make lots of money and destroy these people. Peter Thiel does it (unfortunately he is a self-hating gay plus China hater)
I am no pacifist. Those US politicians are racist haters and morons. Their Sinophobic campaign have created so much hate, that it's starting to escalate the hate crimes on the Chinese people. You can't use their system to take revenge on them. They are the product of their own system. You must destroy their system. Starting with the Petro-USD.
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Registered Member
I have never talked about demanding for sympathy. Sympathy is just words, it's cheap. I even think that that's not what most Chinese people would want. What we all want is justice! Justice demands action. Starting with: stop making excuses for Sinophobic hate crimes.

Don't change the topic and say that I promote hate against the whites or any others who hurt the Chinese. What we had wanted all along was justice. We want them to stop making the Sinophobia any worse. We already have discrimination, hate crimes, and murders. Now it has escalated to mass murders. If we the Chinese people are asking for justice means that we hate the whites and other ethnicities, then you are following the logic of those racist haters.

I have already said. The shooter doesn't need to be white for this to be a hate crime. The shooter can be a Vietnamese, or a 'Gordon Chang' Chinese Hanjian and it is still a racially motivated hate crime. Don't follow the American argument that an Asian on Asian hate crime is not a hate crime. That is pure BS! That is like saying, that Imperial Japan in WW2 was not racist against the Chinese, because it's Asian on Asian brutality. This is the shit logic of the white imperialists.

I am no pacifist. Those US politicians are racist haters and morons. Their Sinophobic campaign have created so much hate, that it's starting to escalate the hate crimes on the Chinese people. You can't use their system to take revenge on them. They are the product of their own system. You must destroy their system. Starting with the Petro-USD.

Get this out of the way first, I am not saying you are promoting hate.

If the shooter was actually Gordon Chang, I would 100% agree that it is likely a hate crime even though he's of Chinese heritage.
However, my point is that the label of 'hate crime' is not going to get Chinese anywhere.

As you said yourself, it's a product of the racist system anyway. I think you and I broadly agree on that anyway. The best way to protect Chinese interests (that is beyond nationality) is to have a strong China.


Lieutenant General
I'm reading Republican comments on the Monterey Park shooting. They say how can it be investigated as a hate crime when it's Asian on Asian. Like I mentioned earlier Republicans were quick to accuse the San Diego Taiwanese church shooting as a hate crime inspired by anti-Taiwanese hate and propaganda from China. That was Asian on Asian... Hypocrites.

If the guy was motivated by hatred of Chinese, you can blame it on Republicans. Who cares if it's true? They don't. Spin is what they do. They enjoy exploiting Asian nationalism like they did in the last election for the House seat where the shooter lives. Michelle Steele, trying to get re-elected in that district, who's Korean accused her opponent who's Chinese-American of being an agent of China just for being Chinese. Anybody remember Suri Kim? She was a Korean woman who ran for office in Texas running on that she wanted to ban all Chinese immigration. Because she was Korean, Michelle Steele supported her from the start of her running but then withdrew it when Kim ran on that platform. They seem to have similar views so why withdraw? It's because it was the Republican Party that told her what do or she wouldn't get help from Republicans. The Republicans love the anti-Chinese Vietnamese in Orange Country and they've been stoking that flame. Republicans tell blacks it's Asian's fault they're poor. How easy it is for them.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Country Music... are people not familiar with Country Music or something?

When I say 'overwhemingly dominated', I am not talking about "general population statistics", I mean I would be surprised if the attendees were not 90% white and specifically 75% Southern/Mid-Western USA white. I would also be surprised if there would be even 3% Asians...
Let's say 95% of country music lovers are white. 75% of the nation is white. +126% excess are whites.

Let's say 95% of Lunar New Years festival are Asians. 3% of the nation is Asian. +3611% excess are Asians.

They aren't comparable, there is orders of magnitudes off, apples to orange comparison.


Lieutenant General
Let’s not overthink this, the western MSM are doing everything in the mental gymnastics handbook to try avoid calling this what it is because even they know they cannot escape the blatantly obvious conclusion that their relentless anti-China racist dog whistling all these years directly let to this.

All this hair splitting about ethnicity of the attacker is completely irrelevant, as if being of Asian descent magically makes one immune to western MSM brainwashing propaganda.


Registered Member
‘If war breaks out … I will just become cannon fodder:’ In Taiwan, ex-conscripts feel unprepared for potential China conflict


Soldiers take part in the Han Kuang military exercise, which simulates an invasion by China's People's Liberation Army, on July 28, 2022, in Pingtung, Taiwan.
Annabelle Chih/Getty Images

‘If war breaks out … I will just become cannon fodder:’ In Taiwan, ex-conscripts feel unprepared for potential China conflict
By Eric Cheung, CNN
Updated 8:36 PM EST, Fri January 20, 2023
Taipei, TaiwanCNN —
Rising concerns over increasingly aggressive military maneuvers by China have prompted Taiwan to extend the mandatory military service period most of its young men must serve. But former conscripts interviewed by CNN say Taipei will need to do far more than that if it is to make the training effective.

Outdated, boring and impractical. That was the verdict of six young men who spoke to CNN about their recent experiences of mandatory service in Taiwan’s military.

They describe a process that was designed decades ago with a heavy emphasis on bayonet training, but lacking instruction in urban warfare strategies or modern weapons like drones. Some say there were too few rifles to go around, or that the weapons they trained with were too old to be of use. Others recount “specializing” in cannon, grenade and mortar units, but never receiving any ammunition to train with.

Their criticisms come at a crucial time for Taiwan’s military. President Tsai Ing-wen announced recently that the period of mandatory service for men born in or after 2005 will be extended from four months to a year, saying that the present system “no longer suits the needs” of the island’s defense. The military says the rethink follows comparisons to the militaries of other democratic jurisdictions that have longer conscription periods – such as South Korea (18-21 months), Singapore (24 months) and Israel (24-30 months).

Strengthening the island’s military has become a key concern for Tsai, who has spoken of the need to highlight Taiwan’s determination to defend itself amid increasingly aggressive noises from Beijing. The ruling Chinese Communist Party claims the self-governing democracy of 23.5 million people as part of its territory, despite never having controlled it, and has sent record numbers of air and sea patrols to harass it since former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited in August. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has repeatedly refused to rule out the use of force to “reunify” the island with mainland China.

“No one wants war,” Tsai said in announcing the lengthening of mandatory service periods in December. “This is true of Taiwan’s government and people, and the global community, but peace does not come from the sky, and Taiwan is at the front lines of the expansion of authoritarianism.”

A military exercise in Taiwan simulates an invasion by China on Jan. 6, 2022.
I-Hwa Cheng/Bloomberg/Getty Images
‘I only shot 40 rounds’
But former conscripts are skeptical, telling CNN the problems with mandatory military service go beyond the short time frame and will only be fixed by a more thorough revamp.

Tsai herself has acknowledged that many citizens feel serving in the military is “just a waste of time.”

“In our company, we had more than 100 assault rifles, but only slightly more than a dozen could be used for shooting practices,” said Frank Liu, a 26-year-old auditor from the central Changhua county who served in 2021. He said about 140 conscripts received training in his company.

“A lot of those assault rifles were made many decades ago, and many were too worn out to be used in training. The weapons had to be rotated among ourselves.”

Paul Lee, a factory manager from Taipei who served in 2018, had a similar experience.

“We didn’t fire many rounds during the military training,” Lee said. “I was practicing with the T65 assault rifle, and I only shot about 40 rounds during the entire training period.

“I’m concerned that many people who underwent the training with me won’t even be able to operate a rifle with confidence.”

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