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Get ready for another color revolution soon in Solomon Islands.
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China should start hitting back too. Our side is too passive, it keeps on taking blows without any offensive response. I dream of a day when China will field MSS on similar scale and shenanigans as CIA and conduct coups and riots in other countries hostile to it, if this is a cold war, we need buffer states to fight our battles too. I get the defensive posture and all that but something's gotta be done. Distract them enough now while they are still divided/unsure than facing a rally of countries tomorrow. My thoughts keep hovering around Cuba. If not nukes then surely China can arm it with modern weaponry. Even subsonic cruise missiles in the hundreds to maybe a thousand would be sufficient headache for the US, China can even justify that by pointing at US poodle Japan. We gotta hit back in the Year of Rabbit!


Registered Member
All mass shootings are tragic. But if you want to argue about white people getting killed in the Las Vegas mass shooting not getting enough sympathy. That is just wrong. That shooting had no specific racial or religious targeting. There were many non-white victims too. So give them some respect!

My point is not about getting enough sympathy. If we call it a hate crime, all we get is empty sympathy anyway. What is that going to do for anyone?

The shooter is now proven to be Asian, but what if he was white? Are we going to celebrate how that “proves” it was a hate crime and so all Chinese should hate all white people for it? Or if he was ethnic Vietnamese, hate all Vietnamese? What about Chinese-Vietnamese mixed heritage? Hate them too? I don't believe we should.

We already know the situation in America. The establishment has created a racist environment that empowers these moron KKK worshippers like Josh Hawley, Rubio, Marsha 'Lifetime Bitch' Blackburn, Tom 'GI Joe Hero' Cotton, etc. The best thing to do (if you believe in the system) is make lots of money and destroy these people. Peter Thiel does it (unfortunately he is a self-hating gay plus China hater)


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Moderator - World Affairs
To be fair, the Las Vegas mass shooting that killed 50+ people was at a country music festival, no one called that an anti-white hate crime even though that genre of music is overwhelmingly dominated by white fans.

Also, sad as this may be, it is totally not uncommon in these mass shootings to have a specific target, but cause a lot of collateral damage.
Most of population is white so that's why most of music festival was white. So that is why it's not called an anti-white crime because of random probability sample of population is mostly white.

Whereas Chinese New Year festival is heavily a minority holiday, you will find it is 99% Asian despite Asians 3% of population.