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My best guess:
The storm blew seawater onboard the ship and into the hull -> Enough seawater went into the ship hull and flooded the engines and powerplant systems -> No power and electricity -> Pumps cannot be operated to pump out seawater inside the hull-> Ship took in more seawater -> Ship listed even further and eventually sank.

Hopefully everyone onboard survives. May those who didn't made it to safety rest in peace.
I looked the ship up and it seems to be US made. Imagine the nasty video titles and accusations by the media had it been one of the Chinese made ships operated by Thai Navy. RIP.


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Why does an engine failure sink a warship?!?!?
Did it explode or something

An engine failure can trigger a cascade of other conditions and failures to cause a ship to sink. Without propulsion, a ship cannot angle themselves into to the waves so they safely crest over the bow instead slamming into the side of the ship. Having waves continuously rock a ship side to side can cause it it take on water from the sides, which causes listing(high winds and gale forces can also cause a ship to list). Without engine power, it’s impossible to correct a minor list by countering steering and further making it susceptible to taking on more water. As others have mentioned, without engine power, bilge pumps would be unable to remove any water that normally enters the ship through various reasons. And perhaps at the most rudimentary level, without engine power, a ship cannot sail away from or avoid a storm it’s not rated to handle.
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Registered Member

Oh lord. What a beautiful sight to behold.
Hmmmm. Funny how the EU diplomacy department is failing so badly lately, I wonder if that stupid bast@rds comment about how the EU is the garden and rest of the world is a jungle played a significant part in the majority of the world wanting to put these racism little sh!ts in their collective places.


Registered Member

Jesus Christ, would love to see the reactions when those Hong Kongers applied for asylum in Great Britain get shipped out to Rwanda. (Blacked dot com)

'New normal' of China's military pushing across Taiwan Strait could spin out of control​

Jesus Christ, Channel News Asia of Singapore with another retarded, dumb take.

Did they forget it was Nancy Pelosi that led to this pattern? Jesus Christ.

How can a news channel which advocates for Asian neutrality be so Western worshipping?


They should invite this guy to the news channel, instead of pro-West 'experts' only. Hong Kong and Singapore... le sigh......
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