Miscellaneous News


Senior Member
Some protestors are not the nation. Were the 1989 demonstrations in China representative of the will of the people? We know that they weren't, but if you only consume anti China media, you wouldn't know.

The protests in Iran have some legitimate concerns, which the government actually addressed already by abolishing the morality police (but remember, 40 years ago they were demonstrating for more religious rules in public life). But the ultimate reason we're seeing protests in many countries now is inflation and the cost of living crisis. We currently have major protests in Spain, Peru, Sudan and Jordan as well as Iran. Earlier this year there were major protests in Sri Lanka and Pakistan. People whose standard of living is going down are blaming their government. Iran being sanctioned and protests having a history of success (ie the revolution) makes protests more common
Let's not forget Saudi Arabia has their own morality police too. But western media is pretty silent on them


Registered Member

Oh lord. What a beautiful sight to behold.


Registered Member
Why does an engine failure sink a warship?!?!?
Did it explode or something?
My best guess:
The storm blew seawater onboard the ship and into the hull -> Enough seawater went into the ship hull and flooded the engines and powerplant systems -> No power and electricity -> Pumps cannot be operated to pump out seawater inside the hull-> Ship took in more seawater -> Ship listed even further and eventually sank.

Hopefully everyone onboard survives. May those who didn't made it to safety rest in peace.
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