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Even neocon think tanks started to understand that the US became anti-trade. What they miss is though, the mentality is grassroots. I bet they too have a recent article bragging about how low the US trade/GDP ratio is. All the way from normal citizens to the gov't they perceive any export and import as dependence and thus weakness. Which was a bad idea even in 5000 BC. I don't know how they plan to keep the world aligned with US policies by becoming even less visible economically.
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Bro it is
Even neocon think tanks started to understand that the US became anti-trade. What they miss is though, the mentality is grassroots. I bet they too have a recent article bragging about how low the US trade/GDP ratio is. All the way from normal citizens to the gov't they perceive any export and import as dependence and thus weakness. Which was a bad idea even in 5000 BC. I don't know how they plan to keep the world aligned with US policies by becoming even less visible economically.
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The thing is, the anti-trade moniker doesn't hurt their perception of the US as hegemon at all, the result they aspired was always a weaker peer competitor (sometimes RU, sometimes CN) through their action, they didn't give an F for their poor when they really were undisputed between 1992-2015, and certainly couldn't care less about the ramifications of their short-sighted FP and TP now, since all their vassals are still backing their delusions.

Speaking of vassals, i don't think anyone in Europe or Japan would really resist any major US FP move, we feel the pain already but the general people are just to limited in strategic depth and thinking to realise that the current path leads to europea and japans own century of humiliation. Kinda expected when the "threat" of the last 20 so years were afghan kids and the occasional boko haram enjoyer...

I really admire the hours you stay awake, is this the CS spirit coming through? :D


Registered Member
Bro it is

The thing is, the anti-trade moniker doesn't hurt their perception of the US as hegemon at all, the result they aspired was always a weaker peer competitor (sometimes RU, sometimes CN) through their action, they didn't give an F for their poor when they really were undisputed between 1992-2015, and certainly couldn't care less about the ramifications of their short-sighted FP and TP now, since all their vassals are still backing their delusions.

Speaking of vassals, i don't think anyone in Europe or Japan would really resist any major US FP move, we feel the pain already but the general people are just to limited in strategic depth and thinking to realise that the current path leads to europea and japans own century of humiliation. Kinda expected when the "threat" of the last 20 so years were afghan kids and the occasional boko haram enjoyer...

I really admire the hours you stay awake, is this the CS spirit coming through? :D
I feel like their new anti-trade policies are aimed at creating a captive market for themselves rather than kneecapping China (since any scenario that China grows slower than the US is not realistic). All the US-allied block is like 55% of the global GDP. This is why it is important for China to stay engaged with the rest of the world (maybe except AU, JP, UK) so that the US can't form a cohesive block. But like-minded democracy approach is not sustainable too because the US itself is anti-trade and the global south has been outgrowing them for decades. The world will look a lot less Western in the second half of the century regardless of what they do.

I sleep for 3 hours nowadays. I hope this period will be over in a month.


Registered Member
Germany as it turns is even more reliant on Huawei for 5g than 4g, despite all the U.S campaigns to hobble the company.
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This is not a revelation.

This was always the truth.

It is just some people do not want people to know the truth.

Then there are the types who would always and only believe in one direction of how a situation is progressing, and they need no evidence to make that conclusion because ideologically they are bound to that belief like religion.


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Iran is facing a huge problem, like us in China. Their education system is the western one, but their religions and their government need students to think and study for the good of Iran. That creates a gap between what we see and what is actually happening in Iran because those students learn English while the majority in Iran do not. So they control the way to tell the story to the English world. This is why nowadays in the west people regard Iran as a bunch of suicide boomer madmen.

What makes this even worse, is that the religion in Iran is reforming itself, trying to be something modern. In this process, just like any reform in history, good and bad things happen at the same time, making it hard for outside watchers to tell what is really going on.

What I can tell is that Iran developed a good military industry (specializing in drones and missiles), useful military doctrine against terrorists and the US, and a theory that combined religions and realistic thoughts to explain why and what they need to do to fight against the west to gain a better life. Iran and its faction are the most powerful military faction in the middle east.

Do not just regard Iran and its ally as a bunch of suicide boomer madmen. They are not. Madmen can not build drones good enough to export to Russia.

Please understand that when US-backing terrorists have been doing nazi things for decades in the middle east, it is reasonable for people in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and other places to choose to sacrifice themself for a better future, a future without western interventionists. They just have no other way to fight. That is also the reason why I support Russia. Nazis just need to die. Good for everyone.


Junior Member
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Iran is facing a huge problem, like us in China. Their education system is the western one, but their religions and their government need students to think and study for the good of Iran
The problem in Iran is their people. They have been thought to admire western values without taking into account how the prices of those values are paid. It's great to lead a liberal life as long as you can earn doing tiktok dance while price of your luxury is being paid by selling oil of some other country.
Iran has to straighten out their people with iron fist. I was sympathetic to the cause of protest at first, now not so much. People has to be given a clear message. A country is not a hotel.


New Member
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The problem in Iran is their people. They have been thought to admire western values without taking into account how the prices of those values are paid. It's great to lead a liberal life as long as you can earn doing tiktok dance while price of your luxury is being paid by selling oil of some other country.
Iran has to straighten out their people with iron fist. I was sympathetic to the cause of protest at first, now not so much. People has to be given a clear message. A country is not a hotel.
The thing is, the majority of Iran actually knows that. Just MSM in the west does not report/show it.

maybe religious, but they know what the US has done in their homeland.
BTW, many similar songs are popular in the middle east. The most famous one in the west perhaps is this:

People in Syria actually support their president! How astounding!
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Junior Member
Registered Member
The problem in Iran is their people. They have been thought to admire western values without taking into account how the prices of those values are paid. It's great to lead a liberal life as long as you can earn doing tiktok dance while price of your luxury is being paid by selling oil of some other country.
Iran has to straighten out their people with iron fist. I was sympathetic to the cause of protest at first, now not so much. People has to be given a clear message. A country is not a hotel.
Some protestors are not the nation. Were the 1989 demonstrations in China representative of the will of the people? We know that they weren't, but if you only consume anti China media, you wouldn't know.

The protests in Iran have some legitimate concerns, which the government actually addressed already by abolishing the morality police (but remember, 40 years ago they were demonstrating for more religious rules in public life). But the ultimate reason we're seeing protests in many countries now is inflation and the cost of living crisis. We currently have major protests in Spain, Peru, Sudan and Jordan as well as Iran. Earlier this year there were major protests in Sri Lanka and Pakistan. People whose standard of living is going down are blaming their government. Iran being sanctioned and protests having a history of success (ie the revolution) makes protests more common