Best trained infantries (Top 5-10)


Junior Member
Well, you have not presented me with any evidence to believe otherwise (if you recall, I stated Khorramshahr as my example).


Junior Member
So just because you guys beat some Iraqis that means you can beat us?

I am merely saying that if the Iranian and American armed forces were comparably equipped, America wouldn't stand a chance.

How can you get expert qualification on equipment that you don't have? :confused:
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Junior Member
"Beat" you? In what sense? We can thwart an invasion, but (obviously), we can't beat you Yanks on paper.

Give me an example of American troops being as resourceful as Iranians were during the war. That is all I ask of you.


Junior Member
The Iraq we fought was very different from the one you guys fought. We fought an internationally supported, Franco-Russian armed Ba'thist Iraq, facing an arms embargo, sanctions, U.S. treachery, and MKO roaches infesting Iran. And if not for us weakening them, you would have suffered more severe casualties.


Junior Member
That still doesn't mean that Iranians are better than Americans. I don't think Iran has fought a major war since the Iraq conflict. Iraq had a better air force after the Iraq-Iran war.


Junior Member
Better? Hardly! Their air force had been completely depleted after a few months of war (The raid on H-3 bomber base in Walid was our most successful raid; 40 aircraft were destroyed with none lost on our side).